Fun Long Eared Rabbit

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Jun 15, 2005
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My husband and I found a rabbit in our yard. Itis a floppy eared rabit. My question is do they have a special diet?Besides rabit pellets can we give it vegtables? :)
That's the same way I came to this forum.....The primary diet (from what I have learned) is hay, Timothy or Alfalfa,depending on the age. Timothy for adolescent to adult bunnies. I hadn'trealized it before, but this stuff is readily available. I. too.thought all vegetables and fruits were acceptable, not so....

There is a cheat sheet at the very onstart of the forum. It provides amultitude of helpful links. Romaine lettuce, not iceberg, etc....

Also read the Language of Langomorphs; it'll help you understand the body language of your bun better.

Are you keepin' this critter?
Cheetos Mom,

My husband really likes the bunny. I'm not sure how old it is, or whatthe sex is yet. We just found it yesterday. Or I should say we justcaught it yesterday. It has been around the house and in the yard forthe last week and a half. We thought it was time to bring it in beforeit got run over. We are going to try to find out if it belongs to somechild first. But in the mean time we have to take care of it. Can youtell me what timothy is? Thank you so much for you help. Wendy
Timothy is a type of hay. Pet storesshould have it, and maybe other stores with a large pet area.Some rabbit pelets also is good, they are formulated to give a balanceddiet. Also be sure the rabbit has access to water.They need water. They like parsley as a fresh vegetable.

timothy or alfalfa is the kind of hay. Youshould provide a pellet that is either timothy or alfalfa based...theyshould be just plain green/grey in color..make sure theres no colorfulstuff in the pellets ..its just junk the bun doesnt need... ..if youcan you should bring the bun to a vet asap to make sure it doesnt haveany buggies and its not sick...they can also help you determine the ageand what sex it is... my vet costs me $60 a visit but prices dovary....also depending on the weight is how much you should be feeding(but if he/she looks under 6months you can feed them as much as theywant). as for hay he/she can have as much as they want, the more thebetter... there are several brands you can buy oxbow, kaytee just aboutanything as long as it looks fresh and green...alfalfa is generally fedto younger rabbits...but if this guys been outside for awhile he/sheprolly needs a lil bulking up!

best of luck to you and i hope everything goes well!!

You'll learn a heck of alot here, I know that I have! And continue to do so daily!

Someone else here (Darn it, I cannot at this time remember who, was itTiny's Mom....humm?) warned me that she grew attached to her foundbunny and then found the owner and had to return the bun. I didn'tactively pursuit finding Don Cheeto's owner, instead she found me thrumy stepdaughter. Luckily, she was willing to part with my little guy (Idon't think she fully understood the treasure I have!) I mention thisbecause finding your bun's owner might be a possibity?!

Quick lessons I have learned here:
Limit the fruits and vegetables with lotsa sugar (ie. carrots). Hay is real good with assisting their tummies.
Their digestive tracts are of utmost concern, thus you need to watchtheir bowel movements and urination in terms of frequency andconsistency, and even color (I think.).
They can be litter box trained. (I dunno how cause mine came that way! :))
Carefully ensure no visible wounds or abrasions cause they can get far worse at a crazy rate.
Spaying / neutering can decrease much of the "bad" behavior associated with territorial issues.

There's soooo much more that I need to learn, but thus far, those seem to be the main things.

Have you and your husband named your find? Pictures? (I still don't have any up yet!}
Cheetos mom wrote:
Someone else here (Darn it, I cannot at this time rememberwho, was it Tiny's Mom....humm?) warned me that she grew attached toher found bunny and then found the owner and had to return the bun.
Yes - that was me. We rescued the bunny on a Wednesday andwanted to keep it -but we decided to advertise it and have folksdescribe it to us. That Sunday I broke down and bought a cageon my way home from the airport....only to get home and find outsomeone called describing the bunny and they lived in ourneighborhood. It broke my heart to take him back...and Icried for days and days. I was going to return the cage whenmy husband told me to keep it and just get "another bunny".

Neither of us knew that when I finally went to get another bunny....I'dwind up with three....and then five...and then a 6th I will be breeding.

Its hard to not get attached to the bunny - so just know if you findthe owner it will hurt.....but it seems to me like if the owner isreally looking for the bunny...they should be putting ads out, etc.

In the case of the bunny I rescued (they called "her" Fluffy - I called"him" Murphy)....they left him outside all the time in their yard -they didn't know what to feed him other than iceburg lettuce...andafter I returned him - he ran away other times. He showed upin my yard at least once more but wouldn't let us catch him.

It still hurts when I think about it. Part of me says I didthe right thing in returning him (I tried to educate them on his foodneeds)....and part of me still regrets it a lot.

Then again....if I still had Murphy - I wouldn't have Tiny....and Tinyis the bunny of my heart....even if I get the butt all the time latelyfor giving him meds.

Well much to my regret we found the owners ofthe bunny. They live accross the street but they don't take very goodcare of it. IfI find it in my yard again or any where closeit will be mine. Thanks everyone for all you advise.
Laura has the right idea. So, did Tiny's Mamawhen she replaced her lost bun with one truly her own. I would havedone the same thing had Don Cheeto been taken from me. I just wouldhave picked more selectively having learned alot here.

Shoot, maybe you could take Jen's example and adopt an older bunny?

Father's Day is coming up and you said that your husband was rather attached!
Hi WendyK,

What a nice thing you did. I didn't know anythingabout rabbits when we had two different friendsleave their bunnies for us to babysit for twoweeks. I learned alot of things on thisforum in taking care of the two bunnies.

Three months later, I adopted a bunny for myself.

Rainbows! :)

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