Fruit question

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Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2006
Reaction score
In A Tree, Kent, , United Kingdom
I was just wondering if its alright to give myrabbit pieces of fruit with bruises? I always eat apples and i HATE thebruises so i often cut them out and give them to the rabbit. Is this OK?
I don't usually give Winnie anything I wouldn'teat (i.e., unwashed veggies) so I probably would not give him thebruised part. However! Based on Mopsey eating the bruised parts first,I have a funny feeling the bruised parts are sweeter!! Try to find outif it's ok to eat bruised fruit in general. If it's ok for people, Iwould guess it's ok for bunnies.
I have found that bruised parts tend to besweeter. So maybe that is why they likeit. I don't know. Mopsy the humpbunny is definitelydifferent. I put her pellets in her dish with hersalad on top. So that she eats the fresh stufffirst. But not my girl...she eats the pelletsfirst. She will pick through her salad to get ather pellets. I love her, but I do NOT understand her.
I do not give Wiley anything this I do not eatmyself. I have heard that bruised bananas are not good for them. Whensomething is bruised it WILL rot faster, and even though it might tasteyummy to them, it wouldn't be worth the chance in getting your littleangel sick.
Maybe I've just been lucky then. CauseI've had buns on and off for the past 11years and never had aproblem. Lost all of mine to old age. I tend to getrescue buns that were always at least 5y/o or so. Mopsy isthe first "young" bunny we got. Near as we can tell she was 6months old when we got her.

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