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Well-Known Member
Feb 29, 2008
Reaction score
, Tennessee, USA
Need advise for a bunspace member!!

Here is what happened to Ashton [bunspace member bunny] [not my bunny]:

...Bunny Ash was takenfor a checkup to an exotic RABBIT vet, who proceeded to spray her with FRONTLINE spray which is apparently toxic to rabbits. This vet informed me that it was perfectly safe and normal upon my questioning. I am keeping a close watch onmy bunnyand she may be taken to an emergency vet very soon as I called several other vets about this. I am very upset and the thought of careless vets like this is unimaginable. The main point, although is Ashton. I cannot lose her, not to mention over the complete stupidity of a so called qualified rabbit vet. please pray for my Ash, it would be greatly appreciated...

Any advise here would really be appreciated!! Thank you!!


I remember reading this post several days ago so I know this this has not just occured.

I do not believe that frontline can be adequately removed with water. There are special shampoos that remove it and even then I don't know if the shampoos are safe for a rabbit.

This is definitely a problem for poison control.

There is a feefor the call
Unforunately the call should have been made immediately after the rabbit was sprayed..even now it is worth finding out if anything can be done so this rabbit will not suffer and die.
Please keep us up-dated and please tell your friend to call poison control. Watching the rabbit is not enough.

Ack! Where was this posted before? Quick treatment is imperative.

Fluid therapy (oral and/or subcutaneous -- under the skin), as with most ailments, is good here, it will help flush out the toxins. And I'm pretty sure I've seen advice from Dana Krempels about thwarting the neurological effects -- the main problem with Frontline is neurological, the rabbits treated with the stuff will often start having seizures days after the application -- by keepingthe bunny alert and active, and I believe she also suggestedtrying acupuncture.

sas :pray:

PS: Please make sure this is noted in our rabbit savvy vet listings. :(
Oh man is there any update?
This person took their rabbit to an emergency vet. They were told Frontline wasn't the issue. The vet x-rayed the rabbit's abdomimal area (for whatever reason) and nothing was found. Can anyone is the Chicago area help this person out? They are over on Bunspace.

It seems they have BAD luck with the vets they go to!!

Can anyone recommend a good RABBIT SAVVY vet in the Ashboro, North Carolina area???

They were told by the second vet they went to thatthere is no use in doing bloodwork on a 5 month old rabbit. does that make any sense at all???

I just read bunspace Why doesn't she call the poison control number?..the number I posted last night can handle exotic cases also. Poison control can give her some direction as to what to do ..if anything at this point. The 35.00 spent for the call is less than what she is spending going to vet right at this moment .

Timeis of the essence. poison control is probably better equipped and more knowledgeable than the average vet. They will give her direction
I gave her the same number for poison control.

They were told by the second vet they went to thatthere is no use in doing bloodwork on a 5 month old rabbit. does that make any sense at all???

What! I think she needs to find a rabbit savvy vet pronto.
Pipp wrote:
Fluid therapy (oral and/or subcutaneous -- under the skin), as with most ailments, is good here, it will help flush out the toxins. And I'm pretty sure I've seen advice from Dana Krempels about thwarting the neurological effects -- the main problem with Frontline is neurological, the rabbits treated with the stuff will often start having seizures days after the application -- by keepingthe bunny alert and active, and I believe she also suggestedtrying acupuncture.
I do hope this information was passed on to them. I see the subq was done, that should help. It's not certain death, but symptoms do take a few days to appear. She could be in the clear by now.

Whenever there is any question about medical care from a vet, it's best to print out material from Medirabbit and take it in with you.

Thanks for all the info guys!!

I have passed it on to her and I hope that Ashton will be OK!!

Both vets she has been to are "considered" Rabbit Savvy.


...and sas, Good Luck with the Bunny Transport up to Canada!! :D

you rock to give those guys a furevva home!!

Hope all goes well!!

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