From the Pen of Poe...

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[align=center]The Daily Poe

June 27, 2009

Poe enjoyed our time away. He had his cage cleaned almost daily and was moved from a downstairs suite (shady and cool) every morning, to an upstairs penthouse playroom every evening. It was a carpeted room, and he just wasn't sure what to do with himself. Binkies galore every evening!


The first exploration




my Poe...all attitude!

So, now we're home. I didn't have a chance to sign on, even to RO, for more than a few minutes at a time. We were so incredibly busy all week long! Poe is glad to be home.


Saying hello to Kirby


Chinning all his toys.


My box


My basket!

...and who can resist THIS face????



[align=center]The Daily Poe

July 1, 2009

Daddy's Birthday

Poe got a present...a Timothy Tube


Poe loves his Timothy's tasty!




And a big ole stretch to end!


SweetSassy wrote:
Poehas a awesome play area. :)
Yeah, I'm really happy with it. I know he'd probably be happier if he was out and about in the house, but he's so TINY! I'm really afraid I'd lose him somewhere, or he would chew on something he shouldn't. The play area is really big, and we all get in there and sit with him and let him use us as jungle gyms. He binkies and plays and has a ton of fun. I may stick with this system for a while. :)
AH! I have been gone a while and I totally missed Poe's entrance to RO. I just looked through the entire blog, and I am in love with Poe! He is a real cutie, and seems to be lots of fun.
So, Ali started the weigh in thread and I wanted to participate. I took Poe to the feed store today and he weighs 2.5 lbs. still. :) He doesn't look thin and he doesn't look chunky, so I think I'm doing all right by him! :D
Elf Mommy wrote:
So, Ali started the weigh in thread and I wanted to participate. I took Poe to the feed store today and he weighs 2.5 lbs. still. :) He doesn't look thin and he doesn't look chunky, so I think I'm doing all right by him! :D
That makes him just over half the weight of Chalk! :shock: No wonder you're scared of losing him about the house! He must just be tiny!

Loving all the new Poe pictures :D

slavetoabunny wrote:
Wabbitdad12 wrote:
Looks like a very unloved bunny;), Poe needs to move north to Indiana.
Yes, I've been appalled at the horrible abuse Poe has been subjected to. I think I may have to go rescue him, lol!
Great so once you rescue him, your going to send him to me right? I have a rex could use a second friend :)