Well-Known Member
Hi everybody! I enjoy reading through people'shome threads (and plotting my bunnynap list) and laughing over all thecute bunny pics on this forum. I hope our bunny family can provide youwith a few smiles as well. 
We currently have six bunnies. Two bonded couples: Spanky (a rex) andGiselle (angora mix I believe); and Hunter (another rex) and Zealand(mixed). Then we have two bunny bachelors, Gunner and Hoppi (who mightbe renamed shortly). After Hoppi finishes his quarentine period, I'llbe trying to bond the two boys together.
I chose my member name to be Frith as a remembrance for Zealand'ssister, who died in May '04. She went into GI statis, and while I triedmy best, it wasn't good enough. I wish I had been a part of this forumthen, as I have learned much about it since I joined.
I may be a bit slow in putting up pictures as my home computer iscurrently dismantled due to new carpeting being put in, so I'm limitedto what I have available here at work for the time being.
I really look forward to getting to know everyone here!
(photos coming next post)
We currently have six bunnies. Two bonded couples: Spanky (a rex) andGiselle (angora mix I believe); and Hunter (another rex) and Zealand(mixed). Then we have two bunny bachelors, Gunner and Hoppi (who mightbe renamed shortly). After Hoppi finishes his quarentine period, I'llbe trying to bond the two boys together.
I chose my member name to be Frith as a remembrance for Zealand'ssister, who died in May '04. She went into GI statis, and while I triedmy best, it wasn't good enough. I wish I had been a part of this forumthen, as I have learned much about it since I joined.
I may be a bit slow in putting up pictures as my home computer iscurrently dismantled due to new carpeting being put in, so I'm limitedto what I have available here at work for the time being.
I really look forward to getting to know everyone here!
(photos coming next post)