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Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2004
Reaction score
Land o' buns, New Jersey, USA

Chippy managed to dislodge one of the NIC grids of her pen and escaped last night.
No damage or harm to speak of...but what a MESS!!!
There were poops ALL over....and I had just cleaned up last night, too.
She must had been down by Brindle.....cuz' Brindles cage was in disarray, there were piles of soft/mushy poops in her cage...her most common reaction to agitation and/or stress. Brindle HATES all the buns except for Benji.
Chippy has a bite on her nose....probably from Binkie or Rosie. It doesn't look like the skin is broken....more like a bruise. She won't let me get a good look at it.

So I spent an extra 30 minutes (that I really didn't have)cleaning up, putting pens back together, and calming nervous bunnies.

I plan on reinforcing the NIC pens with zip ties over the weekend.
Oh boy! Sounds like someone was teasing everybun too!

Sorry you had that mess to deal with! I am about to embark on the bunny boxes myself...........
It also appears that Brindle has decided she doesn't want to poop in her litter pan anymore.....everywhere else except for her pan! Pees in the pan...but not poops!

Normally VERY good about it, she scared me when I saw her pan had no poops in it for two days. And then I noticed that the bottom of her pen (which is black) was populated with poops. Little hay-brain!!
Jesse can relate!

Darla bit her way through the baby gate the other night. Little stinker was sneaky about it though because unless we noticed the hole in the gate, we never would've known that she had gotten into his other room.


They are tenacious, aren't they?

I think Chippy was just making sure that you were getting your back exercises in. Yes. Indeed. She did you a FAVOR!

I betcha it was that Rosie that gave her the nip! :nono
Sounds like it was an interesting night/day at Jim's house!

I got home from Pennsylvania last night.

On the way to the destination, Ifollowed theGPS which took me right in the middle of Pittsburg during rush hour.I've never changed lanesso many times to follow one interstate and add the fact I had out-of-state plates. No consideration! At one point I couldn't get over in time and ended up going INTO Pittsburg. Didn't realize there are actualcrosswalk guys in non school zones!

When I got to my destination, we just happened to decide to have a hair dying party. So it was a joke that I drove through Pittsburg andgot so many grey hairsthat I needed it dyed right away!

Needless to say I found a different way home! Big cities and country drivers just doesn't pin out too well. Road agression quickly popped out!

So what color is your hair?

My farrier showed up tonight FINALLY! it's busy at his regular job so I don't really mind but it was so cold in the barn tonight! The horses are happy and fed and watered and tucked in now. I have clean hair (it was clean before I thought!) thanks to my SIL's horse, Crissy! She decided to lick my hair for me..... :?LOL! She loves to smell our hair and mine must have smelled especially good!

Bunnies are cleaned out and have nice warm blankies (cept Tony - he pushes them into the litterbox and pees on them!) cause it's cold in Indiana!

Urgh - I had a pretty rubishy Friday. My mum and I drove Millie up to Judith's vets but managed to get completely lost and by the time we found the surgery it had closed.:banghead

I wasn't best pleased to say the least, as we ended up driving around for 2 hours with Millie who hates car rides and didn't even get anything for her out of it!:rollseyes:?

Ah well....there is always next week!:sigh:

(oh, and p.s Jan - good luck with your house hunting!:hug:)

Well Jim when you posted this thread i was probably still asleep

My Saturday,your Friday lol...i had a pretty quiet day today,it's been very hot here the last few days..already :shock:,and it's just spring..they say that were probably heading for a long hot summer..and at the moment that is not good news for us aussies,what with this terrible drought going on here..we even have restrictions on our water..but...

Hehe guess what i'm watching now (as if anyone cares anyway:p)...but i'm watching The wizard of oz,gosh i haven't watched that moviefor such a long time now

I just heard the scarecrow say..they(flyingmonkeys) pulled my legs of and threw them over there lol

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