French Lop dragging hind legs.

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Apr 18, 2020
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Hi, I have a 5 year old French lop who has over the last 2 weeks seriously struggled to hop. First thing I did when I noticed she started falling over and dragging both her back legs was call the vet and they gave her Metacam as they noticed she had weakness in her back legs but she still had some movement. Since seeing the vet and being on pain killers she has got worse and it breaks my heart to see her drag herself across the garden when she can’t get up. She is still managing to hop A few hops before needing to lay down and is still eating and passing normal stools, although hard to check if she is passing urine ok as she lives with her sister in a large enclosure in garden. I don’t know what to do as I’m being told it could be several things and most vets seem at a loss when discussing rabbits. Anyone experienced this before.
There are various possible causes for hind limb weakness /paralysis in rabbits. Spinal injury, ingesting a toxin such as poisonous mushrooms, the parasite e cuniculi, spondylosis(usually in older rabbits ), etc. If injury can be completely ruled out, next most common cause would be e cuniculi, in which case panacur is usually prescribed.
If your vet only gave metacam and didn't investigate further or provide other medication, it doesn't sound like your vet is very experienced with rabbits. I would suggest finding a more experienced rabbit vet if possible.
Thank you.
the vet said it was either arthritis or a neurological issue. She asked me to try the Metacam to see if it helped improved her movement as this would confirm arthritis if she improved. I’m supposed to call back in a few days. I think from hearing of e Cuniculi, this seems much more likely.
I don’t think she would of had injury as I don’t pick my rabbits up much. Being a large breed and very friendly.. I Have never felt the need to pick them up and only do so to take them to vet or so forth but her sister (also a French lop) does try to mount her so could this have caused it?

I’m going to call the vet this morning and hopefully get some tests done.
The thing is once it's progessed to the point of significant hind limb weakness, metacam isn't likely to turn that around.

I had an older rabbit that had arthritis. She was on daily metacam and it did help with the stiffness, but once she developed hind limb weakness, the metacam did nothing to halt it's progress or turn it around.
But if it's e cuniculi causing it, it's important to start the proper meds right away.
So after seeing another vet and getting x rays Biscuit (My French Lops name) and her sister are getting treated for ecuniculi. Apart from not being able to get in her litter tray and sometimes getting up she has been ok. She seems to be eating and drinking and moving as much as she can. No seizures and no head tilt so I am hoping so much that she can get better. Fully aware she may not exactly be ultra mobile as she does has arthritis as well.

Has anyone’s rabbit improved after signs of hind leg weakness as I’ve heard once she has neurological damage it’s too late??
I don't have experience with a rabbit recovering from EC myself, but I have read personal accounts of other peoples rabbits recovering. With whether or not recovery can happen, I think that it really depends on the extent of pemanent cell damage that's occurred, and no way of really knowing that except for going ahead with treatment, then wait and see.

There's always a chance of recovery, but even if it's only a partial one, rabbits can still have a good quality of life with the disability, provided they can cope with the changes mentally. My disabled rabbit coped just fine. She was old so slept most of the time, but she was always excited at feeding time and loved snuggling with her bunny friend.

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