New Member
Hello everyone I am looking for homes for 2 rabbits that were left at my appt by my old roommate. My girlfriend and I have been caring for them for the last month or 2 but cant do it anymore. Its not that we dont enjoy them but we have already have 3 rabbits, a guinea pig, a chinchilla, and 2 saltwater tanks and its getting to be costly $$$$. We have a Male and a Female. Both are under 1 year. They are very friendly. They are on a wide spread diet of pellets and fresh veggies also hay. The Male is a Blue Holland Lop mix named Pudding. The female is a white, grey, light black Mini Lop named Nutmeg. I would love for these rabbits to find a good home. They do not need to be taken together. I wish I could keep them but I have to many animals.
If interested email Doug - [email protected], or Heather - [email protected]. Here are some pictures
If interested email Doug - [email protected], or Heather - [email protected]. Here are some pictures
