Free Prg To Help Care, Groom and Clip Nails for Free

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Jan 30, 2006
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I want to start a program to educate rabbitowners on how to care and groom their pets, including clipping theirnails and giving them general hygiene check ups . Living in NYC, Inotice there aren’t any programs like this; therefore I would like tostart one.My intention is work with either the ASPCA or theAnimal Care and Control of NYC, where I can use their space to set-upan event to have pet owners come to the shelter with their rabbits tohave them be groomed, to have their nails be clipped andtogive them a general health check free of charge. The onlything I will ask for is a $20 donation, which I will give to differentshelters that helps adopt rabbits. If anyone is either interested inhelping me jump start this program by providing suggestion, ideas, ortheir time please email me at[email protected].Or if anyone is interested to get more information please let me know.I think this will get a great opportunity for those who loves rabbitsand who wants the best for them!!!
Hi! I think this is a greatidea.The WisconsinHouse Rabbit Societychapter does this. Sometimes they have new bunny-parent introdays, and sometimes when they have a speaker they encourage people tobring their bunnies for nail clips and such. Your HRS mightalready have a similar program- they're big on education. Ifso, you could work with them. This might make it easier toget publicity and they also tend to work closely with localshelters. This is the website for the NYC HRS chapter:

Good luck!
Hi, thank you so much for the info. I will absolutely do that. What I would like is work with different shelters by setting up eventsso that bunny parents can come and learn all about their bunnies. My plan is to contact different resources like OxbowHay, Petco, Petsmart and American Pet Diner and ask if theycancollaborate with the program by sendingfree samples so that it canbegiven out topeople who attend the event. This will help them learn more about the proper diet that rabbits need to have a good and healthy life. I think this program will be a win-win situation for everyone.Different resourceswill have theirproducts advertise, shelters will be publicized and of course, pet owners and their rabbits will be much happier. Ultimately, my goal is to have as many shelters as possible to adopt this program and to make it their own.If you or if you know of anyone who might be interested in helping, please do pass the word around. I definitely need people to contact different resources so that I can jump-start this program, especially since Easter is right around the corner.
Hi, thank you so much for the info. I will absolutely do that. What I would like is work with different shelters by setting up eventsso that bunny parents can come and learn all about their bunnies. My plan is to contact different resources like OxbowHay, Petco, Petsmart and American Pet Diner and ask if theycancollaborate with the program by sendingfree samples so that it canbegiven out topeople who attend the event. This will help them learn more about the proper diet that rabbits need to have a good and healthy life. I think this program will be a win-win situation for everyone.Different resourceswill have theirproducts advertise, shelters will be publicized and of course, pet owners and their rabbits will be much happier. Ultimately, my goal is to have as many shelters as possible to adopt this program and to make it their own.If you or if you know of anyone who might be interested in helping, please do pass the word around. I definitely need people to contact different resources so that I can jump-start this program, especially since Easter is right around the corner.