Freddy is always starving...

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I've noticed the same thing here withKoda. She's a little piggie anyway but these past few weeks she's abottomless pit.:shock:

I really think it has to do with the weather change. Guess shethinks she neds to fatten up for winter. Trying to explain to her thatshe's a house bunn and doesn't need the extra weight, well I don'tthink she really believed me.:p

Snuggy's already a fattie. Shecertainly does not need to do any fattening up. I feel bad,even though I know I'm doing what's best for them. It's hardtoresist Baby when she sits in front of her empty bowl andjust stares at me. They are so bad now that when they're out,all they do is try to figure out how to get into the pellet containeror knock the oat box over in hopes it will burst open.


That's Koda all right. She was a chunkygirl when she got here and has slimmed down some but oh the guilt. Kodastands up in front of her food bowl giving me the most pathetic beggingface I have ever seen, and she looks between me and the bowl.

She even jumped into the dog food bag trying to get asnack.:shock:We can't even eat when she's out because shewill beg until our hearts break. When we don't give her any, she'lljump upon the couch and try and help herself.:disgust:

I keep a garbage pail (like the regular small desk garbage bins) inCookie's room and i just dump his old hay in there when I clean it outevery day.This weekend I walked into his room andall I saw was the bin over on it's side and his little bumm poking outthe back. His front half was in the garbage scarfing down allthe hay he could get at.

Not sure why it tasted better out of the garbage rather than in his cage...

Sebastian isacting like he is starving to death too! He has eaten half of his maizemats in his cage and they've been there for a year! :shock:Iwonder what's up with these bunnies?
:runningrabbit:There allgetting ready for the "TheNight Of the Lepus " movie Marathon!!!!!bulk up now chase humanslater :muscleman:

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