Found this odd

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Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2006
Reaction score
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Hey guys!

We bought the buns a bag of orchard grass hay, and thought we'd give each of them a handful to see how they liked it!

The funny thing was, both SweetPea and Fiver both separated it from their other hay (I'd put the grass on top of the hay), and Fiver made a little lawn of it...while SweetPea took it downstairs and added it to her shreddie collection.

Here's a video of what SweetPea did:

Do your buns do that??

Love to all!

My guys leave their hay where it is supposted to their litter box :p.

You just have silly and cute bunnies :biggrin2:!
What a cutie patoot! :p

My old girl dutchies would do that (Not with grass, but with other stuff they thought that should be separated from everything else).... Man, I miss them. *Still dreams of getting another dutchie someday*

~Diana and Butter
What a cutie!

I've never seen Nibbles do this, but she does like to move certain things (mostly paper towel tubes) and "decorate" in general, which means that some things have to be separated from other things. She also hides toys in one of her big tubes - and is very specific about what's supposed to be inside the tube and what isn't.

I've seen some descriptions (can't think where at the moment) of rabbits as being very "project-oriented," and that sure seems to be true. SweetPea's on a mission! :)
Now that you mention buns that are project-oriented, I can totally see why SweetPea and Maisie have kinda gravitated toward each other! They're both VERY MUCH project-oriented! How funny that I'd not thought of it before...

So cute....:inlove:
Bo gathers his toys and puts them in a certain place. He gets quite ticked if they are moved. He considers some things ok to be in his upper level (his special space!) and others do not deserve that honor. They get tossed to the lower levels......

If his water becomes "nasty" with a piece of hay or something in it....... a toy goes into the bowl. "There, that's what I think of your water!"

Who knows what they are thinking, but it seems like they have OCD and are work freaks sometimes!
Yeah, that's what I thought at first, too, until I stuck my head into her cage and saw that she's creating a shreddie and hay meadow downstairs like Maisie. It's so cute how she's imitating her! :D

TinysMom wrote:
She may think she's pregnant - that's how my girls nest.

I know what you mean about buns being project oriented. Gingivere just has to have her litterbox in a certain spot in her cage. It's a triangular corner box, and I PLACE it in the corner. But she moves it to her preferred location within minutes of it's being cleaned.

Go figure!
Oh my goodness - she is totally cute and so is your voice! You guys made me grin from ear to ear with that video. Loved it!!! :biggrin2:
Bunnicula wrote:
I know what you mean about buns being project oriented. Gingivere just has to have her litterbox in a certain spot in her cage. It's a triangular corner box, and I PLACE it in the corner. But she moves it to her preferred location within minutes of it's being cleaned.

Go figure!
Cloverbunny does that! She actually now uses it to make 2.5 rooms of her cage! It's hilarious ..... she has an eat-in kitchen with a small potty off the side...... and a bedroom toyroom combination!
Nibbles used to be intent on rearranging pieces of material. now she's all into "custominzing" large paper plates to use as beds. Go figure!
I can't see the video (probs with myversion of explorer on this laptop)but I know what you're talking about. Starsky is very particular about where he wants things to be, right down to an individual strand of hay. If it's in the wrong place he will pick it up and move it where he wants it to be :)
Could be that the arrival of Fiver is causing some extra excitement ;)Can't remember who is spayed and who isn't but I have heard of false pregnancies even with scent. Maybe she's just having fun too. Either way, they're all funny and too cute. :p
Good point there MsBinky! As far as I know I think Trixie is the only spayed girl, so it sounds to me like your other girls are nesting Rosie (correct me if I am wrong).

I saw Lucky do the same thing a few times when she was younger, she'd go crazy gathering hay into her mouth and shifting it elseware, sometimes bunching it up then smoothing it out again like buns do with blankets and towels.

Sakura has also done this a couple of times after Bailey arrived - I'm sure like Peg says, it's a sign of wanting to mate and getting all motherly.

As cute as it sounds, I don't think SweatPea is copying Maisie as such, she's just following her instincts.
Cute, guys! :)

Well, I would think nest, but she takes it downstairs (which is one big ol' spread-out pile of shreddies) and just spreads it out. She doesn't have it all in one spot...she just shooshles it so it becomes part of the mess. :)

Who knows?

Either way, I think it's adorable! I mean, why choose the orchard grass hay, and leave the Timothy?

We tested it out last night, and gave her another handful of the orchard grass, and got the same result. So it's definitely just the orchard grass.

I think it's hilarious! :D

What goofy broads I have! :biggrin2:

Oh, and don't forget...she's not the only one that did was her and Fiver that separated...male and female. So, it throws me for a bit of a loop! :D

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