Found Animal Communicator (translate: Pet Psychic) Who Specializes in Bunnies!!!!

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awww...:(i knew it was too good to betrue... I know my bun and all but in the back of my head theres a voicethat yells "what if?"

thanks so much Carolyn for checking it out for the rest of us, trulyappreciateit (you'relike amother for all of us, watching out for us, sorry u hadto spend your carnival money...)
BunnyMommy dont give up hope~even though I seeall points brought up here, you can still always do it just for thepure sake ofamusement JUSTNOT THE 300$$ dollar one, gotta draw the line at how much amusementcost's dontchya know?

You guys are great for looking out for each other though, and thethoughts and opinions brought up in this particular thread are quiteinsightful!

SpoiledBuni wrote:
sorry u had to spend your carnival money...)?

Thanks for the sentiment, SpoiledBuni. $10 certainly won't break me. Iwouldn't've spent much more, I can promise you that, but it was amusingand worth it for all of us in my opinion.

I'm sure many of us that have pets have considered the thought at onepoint or another. I've checked it out twice now and both times, it washogwash.

I can still go to the carnival and have just as good of a time. :)

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Lesson Learned: No stranger knows your loved ones better than you.

Quiet yourself and listen for the answers. They're right inside you. All you have to do is take the time to hear them.


I loved you expos'e of the pet psychic. They were mysentiments exactly. I think it slight of hand, a trick of the mind.Totally an act which though it may take time to perfect is best left tothose that simply wish to play the game. As you posted, if you spendtime with your Bunny/Rabbit, are observant and keep an open mind YOUwill soon be able to read the minds of animals. Dogs,Rabbits,Catswhatever you own and are familiar with will lend itself to the task.

I say to you Carolyn: BRAVO! For opening the eyes and saving many from tossing their hard earned $$$$$ into the abyss!

As always,JMPO.


Roger that, BunnyMommy!

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Hi HankHanky,

A friend did check it out as well and this psychic picked up on a pieceof the rabbit's history that my friend didn't know, beingtossed around from one house to another. My friend thought the rabbithad only come from one home prior to theirs. So that was a coincidence.She also picked up on a term that only their family uses with therabbit was a very strange coincidence because it's a word they made up.

As for me with Tucker, she nailed his personality, However, I suspectthe information I provided her with was too much. I told her aboutBuck's rabbits being here. Mistake!

After the 'reading' my friend and my rabbits both seemed a bit more mellow. Is it the chicken or the egg?

Buck Jones posted on here a while ago asking what people thought ofjust how much rabbits are psychic, or able to know our thoughts or pickup what we're feeling. Perhaps after the 'reading' my friend and I weremore open minded and relaxed and that's what's made Tucker and herrabbit come to her.

Hence the investigation does continue.

So since there is still some doubt, I've been thinking of going backfor $5 or $10 more and seeing what she can tell me about my rescueHolland Lop, Fauna. I know her history; I want the psychic to 'fill mein.' I also feel that Fauna has relaxed completely with me and sheadores Tucker, so we'll see what she says with no information at allthis time. Just to check the whole thing out thoroughly and put anydoubts to sleep.

I still truly and strongly feel we know our animals better than any one. But that's just one person's opinion.

To me: It's just like you know your siblings. You can be at a party andyour sibling can be across the room and you know if they're okay ornot. There's a saying that goes, "No one can laugh with you like yoursiblings do." It's so true.

I think our pets are like that too. There's a connnection there soheartfelt and soul-filled, there's no need to go elsewhere for ananswer. Love knows love; no matter what the species.


P.S. Speaking of siblings: God Bless Pamnock's Brother.
