found a rabbit breeder

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Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2006
Reaction score
scottsville, Kentucky, USA
this woman breeds show quality lion head. and said she would take it back if it didnt bond with Ryo!

but she is trying to tell me that they are weaned at 5 weeks???

she said she has been breed for 4 years, and she even gave me refrences. i called them and they said nothing but praise for her

she gave me two phone numbers for other rabbit breeders too in my area. all the rabbits are 5 - 7 weeks old.

at what age do i nueter? and can i have Ryo and the baby boy on bondingsessions and play dates although the baby isnt nueterd? i wouldnt leavethem alone until he is fixed and bonded
manda wrote:
this woman breeds show quality lion head. and said she wouldtake it back if it didnt bond with Ryo!

but she is trying to tell me that they are weaned at 5 weeks???

she said she has been breed for 4 years, and she even gave me refrences. i called them and they said nothing but praise for her
I also breed lionheads. I agree and disagree with the breederyou spoke with. I do know that some breeders will wean theirbabies as early as 5 weeks - because many times in the wild a rabbitwill be weaned at that age. And yes - I do know of breederswho will release a rabbit to an experienced person at that age (likeanother breeder, etc).

Have I done so? Yes...almost. I just sold a 6 weekold baby to a woman who had another rabbit. This baby had notbeen nursing for 2 weeks (the whole litter) and had been doingEXCELLENT. The woman had a rabbit that died unexpectedly -but she had experience (w/ lionheads even). We talked aboutwhat the baby could and could not eat, etc.

But I would not normally sell a baby that young - and in somestates- it is even illegal to sell under 8 weeks old (Ihaven't heard that yet about TX). In this case, the baby waswell developed and growing well and sort of large (the whole litterwas). I've had 6 week olds where mom was still nursingthem....

I guess my point is - it depends upon the litter and the baby about that.

If you want to PM me her name I can quietly check on her too....but ifyou've checked on her references....I dont know what else to tell youto do.

Anyway - my rambling message is mainly to say - "yes it is possible fora 5 or 6 week old to go to a new home". I don't usuallyrecommend it - but I have actually had 3 rabbits leave at around the6/7 week age and two of the three have all thrived and settled in justfine. The third one is this recent one from this week - shehas my number to call me and I have her number that I can call andcheck on the rabbit...

Does she have any older babies available? Or are they all out the door at 5 weeks except for the ones she's keeping?

I agree with you, I wouldn't want a baby that young either.That's a lot of stress on their tiny bodies, and they can be sensitive.
no thats it. she has some that are 3 and 4 weeksold, but they are not ready of course. i am not too upset because iwasnt looking for a lionhead, or angora. just too much hair for me. buti am glad i met her! someone to talk to about rabbits who lives closeto me. i have to ask her where she gets her hay.

the other lady has mini lop, american fuzzy lop, mini rex, englishspot, dutch, havana, and holland lops! lots to chose from there! i amthinking about a dutch!

however his morning i made some phone calls and someone told me thatthis woman got a bunny for easter for her son and they ended up takingit to the shelter across town. i am going to call to varify this. ifits true, no doubt about it, i am going for the shelter rabbit

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