Found a great grooming aid

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Jul 9, 2004
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Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Pernod and Perry are not the happiest of bunnieswhen it comes to grooming :?. They will tolerate a bit of grooming withthe glove with rubber teeth on one side, but not for very long. Theywill, however, tolerate hours of petting.

Well, I was reading through some old rabbit magazines, and came acrossthis solution. You know those rubber thimbles used for counting money,with the little rubber bits on them (I am presuming other countries usethem ;)). Well, I put one on each finger (they come in packs of 4 here)and just pet them. They LOVE it, and it reallybrings all the under hair off a treat. Also, you can get into all thoseawkward areas, like around the head, neck etc. Both bunnies lay inbliss while I do it, so it works all round.

Might be worth a try if your bunny freaks out when they see the comb/brush coming :D

Thanks! I will have to try that. CupCake justcan't stand being brushed. Does it get about the same amount off that acomb/brush would? I guess it really doesn't matter if it does. Somehair gone is better than no hair gone at all!
What a great idea, I think the bunnies would just love that! :bunnydance:

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