Well-Known Member
tiki wrote:
a sad and yet sweet story, THere is the cheat sheet on this site, andif you do a search on rabbit care, you'll come up with alot ofothers. I am adding a link here with color photos on how tosex a rabbit. I hope that helps. Please be sure when seekingout a vet that they know rabbits, as they need very different medicalcare than dogs/cats. Some medicines that are safe for dogs and cats aredeadly to rabbits. Best wishes and enjoy your beautiful bundle ofsuprize, I thinkmCotton is a wonderful nameHi,
Need some help. On Dec. 29th I unexpectedly lost mymother. A few days later my husband pulled into the drivewayand spotted a white ball (or he thought it was). When he gotcloser, he saw that it was a cold, rained on wet whiterabbit. When I saw it, I immediatley took it inside and letit warm and dry. It was the most beautiful, soft WHITE withblack I had ever seen on anything. I still have the rabbittoday. It pretty much runs the house and uses a litter box inthe garage (does let droppings go when he runs around from time totime) It is very affectionate and loves to chase our cat toplay.
I do not know anything about caring for a rabbit! Who can shed some light on WHAT DO I DO NOW?