FOSTERED: Hagerstown, MD Dwarf Pair

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These bunnies have places to go and people to take them, it's just stupid communication stuff.

Nancy had voluteered days ago to take them, she'll even go get them.

Now it's just rescue/shelter politics/admin stuff.

sas :(
I can't get the rabbits released to me. I have forwarded the email to the person who can get them out if they are still alive. It is frustrating because I have adoptions pending and would have room in another few weeks.

Now the shelter I volunteer with, another one, I am the person who does rabbit adoptions there and when the time comes that they are overwhelmed, I will be hoping this list can help me get some of them out of there because they put down more than most and I hope to have them not do that anymore.

Meanwhile, I need help with doing a home check for a long distance adoption in Pittsburg so maybe someone can help with that? Thanks and this list is great!
Strongheart, are you a member of Bunderground? It seems theres a lot of people in that area who can get them out but cant keep them. I can get you their contact info if they are people you would be able to deal with.

Also, we have two very trustworthy members in that area in PA (I think). You can PM me if you need help and I'll try to get ahold of them for you :)
Does anyone know if two of the rabbits have been put down? Pipp, will the shelter not tell you anything about them? I used to live in Maryland, wish I still did because of this!
Someone called the shelter today and the NDs have another week or so. There are some local options. Its looking like it might be ok.
Yay!! Nancy is getting the Dwarfs tonight I think. :)She and Tracy from Solomon Isle picked up the ball and are running with it. ;)

Apparently all the bunnies have now been adopted. :)

Tracy said she may have placements in MD for the dwarfs, if not, we have some time now to find something closer than the current options.

Thanks to all! :big kiss:

sas :bunnydance:
Excertping, quoting, lilbitsmom from the Michigan thread ...

"It just shows you what good things can happen when people come together and help each other for a greater cause." - lilbitsmom :)

Let's hope the shelter will work with the folks who can offer them a new life, second chance.

What greater gift could a shelter give?? Especially when options are talked about ~ and presenting themselves. Sometimes a little time is all it takes, together with helpers.
Latest word from Tracy at Solomon via email...


I do have a confirmed MD home for these two buns.

Nancy, let me know once you've pulled them and I'll

set you up with Vanessa. She's in Silver Spring.



Vanessa is the one I was talking about- shes a bunderground member as well and had offered to take them but no one was putting it into effect. Im so glad Tracy stepped in, shes awesome!
Note from Tracy... Hopefully she'll have pics and descriptions to post soon. (Not sure if they're bonded or what).

> Subject: RE: FW: Hagerstown bunnies

> Hi, S.

> The two dwarf boys are staying with Nancy, but allmy

> possibilities for local placement of the two dwarf

> boys are falling through. Any chance that anyone on

> rabbitsonline might still be interested? I can send

> you photos/descriptions of them.

> Thanks.

> Tracy

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