Foster girl Katie

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CrazyMike40 wrote:
Katie is amazing :)

Thank you so much!!!! I will pass that on to Princess Poofy Underpants along with a few nose pets. :pShe is a bit full of herself, but is coming around and enjoying a few snuggles here and there.

Do you have a JW also?

I never really noticed until this morning that Katie must like me to some degree. I think she may have done something like circles around me. They were not the circles that Patrick does, a bunch of full circles with hums, but maybe one circle with a nose-nudge at my ankle. She has been doing this in the morning when I open up her exercise pen. This morning Katie seemed to be more exhuberant about greeting me than ususal. Or perhaps, this morning was the first time I allowed myself to see and feel her circles and nudges. I am not sure... If I do not hear from Pepper's mom soon, Katie might have to be taken off of Petfinder for me....:D

I almost forgot about something Katie did this morning that took me by complete surprise.

I had seen the series of pictures Little Bay Poo posted about Billy using her as an elevator to get to the top of his cute and such a smart little guy my Billy is. :D

So this morning I was kneeling on the floor in front of Katie's cage to clean itout which involves taking out her hiding house, her little mat, and her litter pan. So as I was crunched over wiping out the bottom of her cage, she jumped onto my back, sat there for a bit (probably deciding if she liked the view because she likes penthouse apartments ;)), and hopped onto her hiding house which was sitting next to me. :pSuch a clever girl!!! It surprised me so much that she would do something like that. I have let her climb on me before when I was laying in her area so that she could get to know me better without feeling threatened. She always "helps" with the cleaning process anyhow, but this time she needed a better view to inspect the work being done. :biggrin2:

Katie is really showing more of her personality to me, and I am really liking it. She is so sweet now that we know each other better. :DShe has potential dates in August to meet Pepper, a possible bond-mate. Still pinning the dates down, but should be in the next few weeks.

Climbing on top of people must be a staple of all princess bunny behavior...a way to remind their humans that they are beneath the almighty bunny ;)

I've found that Billy does this to put me back in line. If I'm petting him (he hates being petted) he will hop up onto my back to remind me who's boss. :bow
Little Bay Poo wrote:
Climbing on top of people must be a staple of all princess bunny behavior...a way to remind their humans that they are beneath the almighty bunny ;)

Oh yes! Mocha sometimes does this, but only as a reward when I've been a good slave. Usually I just get glares, foot flicks, and the butt from her. Sprite loved jumping on my back though and would even insist on it. She'd jump up on her shelf and glare at me until I knelt next to her and let her jump on.

I've also had both Sprite and Mocha climb up my back (or front!:shock:) like I was a ladder. That... is less than comfortable. Especially since those two got infrequent nail trims because they'd get so upset about it.
I have been busy taking a few more pictures of Princess Katie Poofy Underpants. This one is long overdue because it was taken a while ago. Naturestee had given me some veggies from her garden along with some edible flowers. I promised to send pictures of every one wearing a flower. Katie's pic turned out exceptionally well:


She looks like she is getting ready for the ball at her penthouse apartment!!! :p

These are a few pictures taken a few weeks ago. We had a bit ofoutdoors play time that she seemed to enjoy.



She is always cleaning herself when she is outside in the grass. One must always be ready for any photo opps when one is a Princess.... (...that darn paparazzi!!!!)


These are a few pictures I took yesterday. The weather was beautiful and I could not resist getting the fur-kids out to enjoy some fresh air. One thing I did notice about Katie while we were outside, was that she is always wondering what is on the other side of the exercise pen. She really does like to explore. :DI think she could cover the back yard in no time and start looking for more unknown territory without hesitation. I don't know how many time she periscoped and stuck her nose through the exercise pen wires.

I also noticed she is quite independent. I ran into the house to grab the phone and when I came out Katie was busy doing her own thing. Prior to that, I was sitting in the exercise pen with her and she just sat there for the most part. But leave her alone and she has things to do and places to go....

Checking the wind to make sure hairdo doesn't get too messed up... (any paparazzi looking?)


Just a quick romp before any one sees me...


Whew, time for my rest and photo opps.... (make sure you getmy good side!!!)


Time to stretch.....


So far so good... no one noticed my bad hairdo...


Oh no .... Paparazzi noticed my bad hair day!!!


Yes we had a bit of hair coat blow out with the warm weather. I hope Katie's potential adopter will be able to see beyond her shortened hairdo. I just have to get after her "side burns" soon. Both of her sides are fuzzy, and I am able to tell it is undercoat that still needs to come out. I tried to get her dewlap area, but that didn't go as well, so we will have something to work on for a bit.

Hee hee! She does look like she has sideburns. Fey looks similar right now, just with short fur. I still love that pic with the flower, she looks like a little Hawaiian bun. Now you need to find a grass skirt!
naturestee wrote:
Now you need to find a grass skirt!

I guess that depends on how tastey the grass skirt is.... :?I ended up with the same impression from all of the critters who would were the flowers...the Hawaiian look. Those flowers were beautiful though. Very brilliant colors!!!

Luna must have known they were from you, because she ate her flower up right away after picture time. I will have to post her picture on her blog.

So Princess Poofy Underpants has a date this Saturday with a little Polish named Pepper. I have been telling Katie to at least try to behave long enough for the little guy to say "Hi" to her. I am a bit nervous because Kate-Lynne is such a little diva and a bit independent. It is like she has her own agenda and would prefer to do things her own way. She actually spent Tuesday ignoring me for the whole day. I am not sure why, I don't believe I said anything about her bad hair-do. :?

Well, wish Princess Poofy Underpants good luck. Maybe Pepper will be her Prince in shining armour....:p

Katie's date with Pepper went very well!!!:DNothing out of the usual -- meaning no biting or naughty behavior occurred. Katie and Pepper were both on their best behavior. I did manage to get a few pictures, although the neatest ones turned out blurred unfortunately. These are the pics that turned out fairly well:

Princess Katie's Knight in Shining Armour:


Checking each other out at a distance:


Come a little bit closer, your my kind of man, so big and so strong....:

(Look, Pepper is sporting the same sort of bad hair-do. Is it fate...? Ya gotta love the shedding/molting season....)


Pepper's cute face and feet close up :p:


Katie says, "I think I'm in love....!"


This date went very well. We are going to wait to hear from Pepper's mom and dad about scheduling a second date. I was disappointed that the one picture that would have been the most fun to post didn't turn out. Katie actually put her head down for Pepper to groom her--- and he did it!!!!:biggrin2::pI think that was the turning point of the date for me.Pepperdid a few kisses on her ears and on her head. :bunnieskissI think Katie really liked it-- she totally ate the bun-to-bun contact up.

I might be losing my baby girl...:cry1:

I'm so glad the date went well! I was wondering all afternoon :)

Did the prospective parents seem to like her as much as Pepper did? Were they put off at all because her fur would need brushing?

They seemed like they'd be great parents. Nice people. I lovedthat the guy seemed as into Pepper and buns as much as she is :)

I think they seemed to like Katie... They commented on how much bigger she was than Pepper (he is one tiny guy :p).

I brought along the brush I use on Katie, and they said they already have one like it although it doesn't work on Pepper's hair because his coat is too short for the brush to take anything out. The only other thing I did let them know was that they should watch Pepper's GI track, as well as Katie's, because of the grooming activity. I do hope that didn't scare them away because they would have that issue with any other bond-mate because of ingesting hair, even though Katie's coat is long and could present more problems for his little tummy.

I do hope they realize how well the date went and that not all dates turn out in sniffs and groomings. I guess I have come to take this for granted also because all of my bonds have gone this way. I personally have never seen a major fight between rabbit and hope I never do.It is natural chemistry that either attracts or repels , and Katie and Pepper's chemistry seem to attract at this point. I'll keep you posted if there is to be a second date for the Princess and her Knight in Shining Armor. :p


Also, I think a lot of what they were looking for was what Pepper wanted. Ya know how bunny slaves are, it's all about what the rabbit wants! Although she did seem charmed when Katie put her paws up on the girl's lap and investigated her a bit.

I hope we hear from them. The buns look like a really good match together. I guess Katie just needed a sweet little boy instead of my Fey. *sniff*
naturestee wrote:
Although she did seem charmed when Katie put her paws up on the girl's lap and investigated her a bit.

I hope we hear from them. The buns look like a really good match together. I guess Katie just needed a sweet little boy instead of my Fey. *sniff*

I had forgotten about Katie putting her little paws on potential mom's leg. I take it for granted that Katie does those cute things because I am with her all of the time. For any one else, it would be something special that a rabbit is curious enough to inspect them in any way the rabbit sees fit .... including little paws on the leg with sniffs :p. She is way too cute for words sometimes, but that comes with the territory of being a Princess.

Sorry about Fey, but she never took the time to whisper in Katie's ear about a penthouse apartment with a realm of her own...:D


As far as Katie being so much bigger...she is tiny under all that fur. I was surprised when you told me how much she weighs.

This might be a dumb question, but I dont' know anything about fuzzy bunnies,but can you trim their fur? Do she struggle against the brushing or is she ok with it?
I am sure her hair could be trimmed, but why put her through the extra stress. JW were breed to be similar to the angora, but with a more maintainable coat. She has the perfect hair-coat and I would not hesitate to take another JW. :p

We have worked out a system for her grooming time which fits both of us very well. I place her pet bed on my lap, then place her in the pet bed, and start brushing or plucking. This way, I only have to keep one hand on her back to keep her from jumping out instead of trying to keep all four of feet secure and stressing her out by holding her too tight. She gets to feel safe in her bed, and I am still able to get my work on her done without stressing about stressing her out.

Princess Katie in the process of being scheduled another date with Prince Pepper. :DJust received word from Pepper's mom that she and her fiance are interested in setting another date for next weekend. (I am sure it was the little paws on potential new mom's leg that did the trick ;).)

I am sure Princess Katie will have her people contact Prince Pepper's people ASAP. :D


(It's Pepper's Mom) This blog is so wonderful and was awesome to see how cute little Katie is during her reign of beauty! :) If the adoption goes through, which I really am crossing my fingers for our second date to go well, I plan on starting a blog for Ms. Poofy Underpants Princess and the Polish Prince. :biggrin2: Look forward to the future of the little royal rabbits!

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