For those with buns and other animals

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Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2006
Reaction score
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Hey guys! Just wanted to sharesomething I did recently for my buns (and partly for mycats). My cats have the habit of wanting to put their pawsinside the buns' cages, so we've been looking for a good way to covertheir cages so they can still see out, but that would have small enoughholes that the kitties wouldn't lose a toe to an angry bunny bite (notthat I really think that would have happened, but Maisie's grunted atan intruding paw before, so I didn't want to take the chance).

We found something called Hardware Cloth at Home Depot (or thelikes). It's galvanized wire mesh that you can zip tie to thebun's cage. The holes are about a centimeter in diameter, soit's small enough that cats or dogs can't get their paws through, andyet the buns can still see out.

Here's a picture:

The edges are a bit sharp when you cut it, but it's pliable enough thatyou can bend the edges against itself (like a hem) so none of youranimals can hurt themselves. :)

Just thought I'd share my idea! :)
I used hardware cloth for my hamster's cage.

I bought cutters that snipped the metal right down to the base of the next row and there are no sharp edges.

I LOVE that stuff!

Hey, you're welcome...:)

Trixie...I LOVE the pegboard and the tiles on the bottomfloor. It's working GREAT!! I love the fact that Ican now just sweep out their cages! And it was so easy to do,too! Thanks for the idea! And the tiles were socheap ($0.39 each :shock:)!! What a great idea...:D
I love that the holes are just the right sizeto keep other animal's paws out! My kitties can't quitefigure out why they can't get in there anymore! Lol...

Laura wrote:
I used hardware cloth for my hamster's cage.

I bought cutters that snipped the metal right down to the base of the next row and there are no sharp edges.

I LOVE that stuff!

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