Here is my story...
We always took care ofour neighbors dog whenthey were on vacation,so my son figured wecould take care of some bunniesfor his friends. Itturned out that wegot 2 rabbits fromtwo different families tostay with us for 2weeks. We just gotback from holidays to find thebunnies in our house. :shock:
So in a crash courselearninghow to take care ofrabbits, I found this forum.
I fell in love with therabbits, and spent hourswith them and becamea regular member onthis forum.
I never owned a pet beforeso Iwas very sad when therabbits went home to ourfriends place.
Three months later I continued to follow thisforum (my first forum
)and kept an interest inbunnies. I visitedevery pet shop, anddropped in to the Animal Shelterevery week, to visitthe bunnies. My wifecould see what was happeningto me, so she agreedwith me thatwecould get a bunny.My wife had a family dog whenshe grew up, so she didn'tmind having a pet.
So in my search fora bunny, I cameacross Pebbles, who wasrecently rescued by aVet, and therest is history.
OK... Now everyone gets to see me with a bunny.
This picture is at theEdmonton Northlands Show (Nov. 4). Here Iam with HHR's Yukonfirst BIS win. Shecomesfroma great lineofBetty Chu's English Angoras.Congratulations to Holly whobreed her.
Don't show Pebbles this.
Rainbows! :wiggle