For Shame Lissa

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In a way I don't like jokes like that either,since when other people make them as they come over to my house, I getmad. I guess I am just sick of our friends making jokes about rabbitstew every time they get a chance.
You don't think we get those sick jokestoo? I take it personally with other people, but this is arabbit board. Like we're really going to fry up ourbunnies. C'mon.
Yeah, Lissa, it's like I am Catholic. Catholics know all the good Catholic jokes LOL!

Plus, because we all get those jokes all the time.... I think that waspart of what made Lenci in the stewpot even more hilarious!She just looks so confused!!!

Ifeelmore as ifI hadinvited a good friendintomy living room, kickedmy shoes off and put myfeetup ontomy coffee table and then that friendwrinkled up their nose and toldme they have been offended bymy actions. It's not like farting in a restaurant for heaven's sake!This is our forum, a place where people should be able to feelcomfortable with a little bit of off the wall humor. Some of "thefamily" may not care for it as much as the others, so they should go to"another room" rather than cause waves or hurt feelings.

Not if you ask anyof my kids........they think of it as opportunity foradvancement!


Does this look like the face of a scared bunny? LMAO


RaspberrySwirl wrote:
I feel more as if I had invited agood friend into my living room, kicked my shoes off and put my feet uponto my coffee table and then that friend wrinkled up their nose andtold me they have been offended by my actions. It's not like farting ina restaurant for heaven's sake! This is our forum, a place where peopleshould be able to feel comfortable with a little bit of off the wallhumor. Some of "the family" may not care for it as much as the others,so they should go to "another room" rather than cause waves or hurtfeelings.


LOL, what about you getting mad at some very creative people for dressing up Sebastian?:p
We know everyone here loves their bunnies just asmuch as I do, lets not make this forum a place dividednow:?This is a place where we all express our love to ourbuns. Sometimes things may seem distastfull to some and notto others...
AnnaS wrote:
LOL,what about you getting mad at some very creative people for dressing upSebastian?:p
I've never been angryabout that. That's been an ongoing jokebetween friends. Now,Sebastian's Little Girl is another thing.......;)
MyBunnyBoys wrote:
LOL! That's great. But one question:

Why make stew when you can make burgers? ;)


(P.S.- He's standing on a baking sheet no worries.)
I don't care that's plane wrong.;)

Lissa was a nervous wreck about getting her Lenci spayed. She slept onthe floor the night Lenci returned home from the operation. Like her,MyBunnyBoys is one of the most devoted and committed bunny parents I'veever spoken to. I'm not going to go into all thatthese two ladies do for their rabbits, but believe me, they go 100extra miles.

They have spent hours upon hours worrying, learning, and studyingeverything they can so that they're rabbits live as long, as healthy,and as happy a life as they can provide. Take a look at their posts -it's all evidenced in there.

Before you jump to conclusions, consider the source.

Having rabbits, you're always going to have people make jokes abouteating them. If you don't let it roll off of you, you're in for a lotof anger and upset in the future.



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