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bluebird wrote:
Many rabbits with a full pedigree should not be bred due tothe fact they just have too many defects.

True. And I found out too late. Who could have known? She was beautiful, healthy, and bred to a healthy buck!

Though I shouldn't say that, I have two beautiful babies. Despite theblindness, deafness, er....lack of "manhood"....and sinustrouble/allergies. I love them very much, but the line has too manyweird problems to breed the girls. And the boy can'tbeastud.;)

So things go wrong even when you try and do it right!:?


I know the first is dutch *obvious* as you mentioned.. but Rex? i dunno. i dont breed but i thought it would be a worthy try....


( Just realized so i *edited* Saw it was New Zealand.... f'in idiot. people are mean......gah!)

I just read this but it is EXCELLENT. we need more of this. ALOT more. i could go on and on but most of its already beensaid-- just SPREAD THE WORD!!!

If i used smileycentral you'd get a great big HUGE clapping smiley!
gypsy wrote:
hey no fair ididnt say a bad word ?????????

Sorry, Gypsy. Don't sweat it. I didn't realize it was blocked. *laughs*


did anyone notice what happens when anyone tries to describe nursing kits on the forum....hehe

i.e., "my babies are hungry and sucking on each other"

don't know why that struck me so funny!



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