Ooh I'm so excited that you want Chubby! She's a lovely girl... even if she did bite my finger! LOL
Max is drinking fine... I think she's drinking Severn Trent Water dryto be honest! LOL Only problem is, she keepsdrinking out the babies lower down bottle instead of her higher upone! :? At least she's drinking... and pooping asnormal too! It's amazing how fascinating poo is when you ownrabbits!
I'm glad you saw the Scrapyard! LOL It has loads ofphotos in now, I've had to open 4 hotmail accounts to post all ofthose! Yup, we spend our weekends gardening orlooking after visitors it seems... goodness knows how I'm going to copedoing my coursework, I've taken on 2 60 point courses in a year = 32hours studying a week. I'm sure it's nothing to all thosewonder women out there, but no doubt the house will be a mess for thefirst few weeks until I get on top of it!
It would be great to get together for a night, we'll have to arrangeit! Ooh don't let me near the baby, I'll want totakehim/her home!Dan's friendhad a baby a couple of months ago and he was so tiny, he was premature,his hands were just sooo small!
LOL Bo, it's the determined look on his face! "I'm going toget this if it's the last thing I do!" He says through grit teeth!
Right I'm off to bed finally! LOL Taken me ages to type that!
Take care, have a good weekend!
Ang xx