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gjsara wrote:
you will never win a battle against someone who dosnt care for yourchoice of animal but at least you deserve their respect, aswell as they deserve yours. we are all different in this vast world andthat is whats makes us uniqe,and someone has to care about snakes andsomeone has to care about rabbits and somone even has to care aboutants ect. because if people didnt they all wouldnt be here.

That's very thoughtful, Sara,I never thought of looking at it that way. Thanks!

:) Vinny
HankHanky wrote:
Another fact: Rabbit is often fed in hospitals topatients with poor digestive systems as rabbit has NO cholesterol andlittle to no fat. This makes it very easy to digest. I know some willget turned off by this, but it is the truth. We should not be afraid ofthe truth for then we only limit our fact finding options.

I've worked in our area's medical center's kitchenfor 2 yearsand we have NEVER served rabbit...most hospitals can't afford, nor dotheir companies which they get their frozen meats from sell anythingbut over-priced fish, chicken, and beef. We're lucky if wecan serve turkey or ham. We're not some poor, small hospitaleither. We treat a community of 100,000, plus people fromsmaller surrounding areas. I'm sure you've gotten yourinformation from a reliable source, but I've checked with my boss,whospecializes in culinary hospital services (and has won adozen culinary awards nationwide), and he has never heard of servingrabbit.

I'm not trying to be rude at all, please don't take itpersonally. I just had to add my two cents, being that I havesome experience in hospital meals.

Emmits_mom wrote:
HankHanky wrote:
Anotherfact: Rabbit is often fed in hospitals to patients with poor digestivesystems as rabbit has NO cholesterol and little to no fat. This makesit very easy to digest. I know some will get turned off by this, but itis the truth. We should not be afraid of the truth for then we onlylimit our fact finding options.

I've worked in our area's medical center's kitchen for 2 years and wehave NEVER served rabbit...most hospitals can't afford, nor do theircompanies which they get their frozen meats from sell anything butover-priced fish, chicken, and beef. We're lucky if we can serve turkeyor ham. We're not some poor, small hospital either. We treat acommunity of 100,000, plus people from smaller surrounding areas. I'msure you've gotten your information from a reliable source, but I'vechecked with my boss, who specializes in culinary hospital services(and has won a dozen culinary awards nationwide), and he has neverheard of serving rabbit.

I'm not trying to be rude at all, please don't take it personally.I just had to add my two cents, being that I have some experience inhospital meals.


Have to agree there, Carrie. I worked in a hospital for 10 years andnever once saw rabbit on the menu. The food service that theorganization I presently work at has many chains all over the nation.They aren't familiar with rabbit being a popular meat to serve in thechains that service hospitals. Just out of curiosity, I checked withone of the Region Managers, in his 17 years of being in the business,he said he never remembers having it be a leading item nor one that wasin demand in any of their chains.

Although it's true that rabbit meat is low in cholesterol and fat, I'mhard pressed to believe that it's served in hospitals often.

* * * * * * * * * *


I also agree with gjsara about never winning the battle with someone like that.

There's an old saying, "I refuse to get into a battle of wits with someone that unequipped."

This friend, although probably a nice person in other aspects, ismissing out on the fact that she's hurting your feelings. I still saydon't let her see you sweat. Show her you're completely turned off byher stupid statements and walk away. If she doesn't get the messagethen, then you have to ask yourself how important is this person tohave in your life.

It does seem to catch up with them in the end.


Sorry if I ofended anyone:

What I said is what I have learned through reading and I am certain itwould be considered a specialty diet and not on the regular menue ofthe other patients. I would presume the patients Personal Doctor wouldhave to personally order such a menue. Pricy or not it is the patientshealth that is important at that time and whatever it would take forthe quickest recovery. So you are probably quite right inyour findings. I would think the patients doctor would be the one toquestion. Sorry for any inconvenience.

Actually,I have checked with doctorsand dieticians in a few hospitals and none of them ever have servedrabbit meat in their hospitals. I spoke to people that havebeen working in hospitals for 10, 18, 25, and more years in healthcareand they have never seen rabbit meat come in to serve at theirhospitals.

They serve to folks with digestive problems chicken, turkey, fish, all depends on their digestive system and what it will allow,but those sources listed above are all just as good as anyforpeople suffering from digestive problems.

Not trying to get anything going here, I just thought you had stated"Another fact: Rabbit is often fed in hospitals to patientswith poor digestive systems as rabbit has NO cholesterol and little tono fat."

I'm not stating that rabbit meat isn't low in cholesteroland fat, also not saying that it isn't suggested for people with poordigestive systems. I'm just saying that it's not a fact thatrabbit is often fed in hospitals.


I have had a similiar story. At an exotic snakestore the owner (witch is friends with my sister) asked if hecould purchase rabbits from me to feed to his snakes. I got offended,thats not why i'm breeding them, to be fed to anotheranimal.So when they are born their purpose is to die? Welli'm glad to saythat we ended on postitive termsandrespect each other's opinions.

Hopefully this helps you realize your not alone, best of luckwith coming to a compromise of respect with your friend.

'Ended' unless someone else has something to add for VinnyBoBinny's original question. :)

* * * * * * * * * *


When you find a resolution, and you will, let us know how you handle it.

Rest assured, my friend, you are not alone. Youdida fine job of standing up for yourself in your reply abouthow you do respect other people's choice ofanimals.Draw from there.

Keep us posted.



Good Deal, VinnyBoBinny!

I thought of you today because someone was teasing me about my rabbitsagain. I realized that such comments roll off of me like water off aduck's back. I noticed that I don't even really react, I just find themboring.
Funny how after a while and people say it so much to rabbit pet ownersthat you grow numb to it. It's like hearing the same joke over and overagain. You can see it coming with some people.

How's Vinny doing? Do you have a picture of him?

Vinny is doing very well; very mischevious, asusual, but very well. He has such a funny personality, heloves to come out of the cage and make trouble by nesting in mynewly-washed clothes :p. It's really kind of odd because therabbits love to listen to Josh Groban (I don't know if you've heard ofhim, but he sings a sort of contemporary opera), especially Vinny, whowill sleep with one ear faced toward the CD player so he canlisten! Anyway, I do have some pics but I am still trying toget them posted so when I get them up I'll let everyone know!

Talk to you tomorrow!

It's really kind of odd because therabbits love to listen to Josh Groban (I don't know if you've heard ofhim, but he sings a sort of contemporary opera), especially Vinny, whowill sleep with one ear faced toward the CD player so he canlisten!

Thatis so cute that your little mon loves his music, VinnyBoBinny.

Would very much love to see pictures of him. He sounds like a stitch!

How old is he, and whatbreed is he?

I'm not sure how old he is, because I rescued himfrom a humane society and they only listed him as "adult", but I thinkhe's around four or five years old. He is a liver-and-whitedutch rabbit.

My other bunny, Louie, is also rescued and is about two yearsold. I'm not sure what breed he is but I think he might be aBritannia petite (he certainly has the attitude of one!).

I will try and post some pics today!

Bless your heart for saving his life,VinnyBoBinny. Dutch rabbits seem to have the sweetestpersonalities. BuckJones had one and he was one of the bestpersonalities I've ever seen in a rabbit. Sadly, he died thispast spring.

Vinny lucked out on the day you walked into the shelter. I'llvery much look forward to seeing pictures. If you have anyproblems posting, ask.

How do Vinny and Louie get along? Can you have them out together? Are they both neutered?

Vinny and Louie do alright together, but Louie isnot a very sociable rabbit (I think that's why he was surrendered) andsometimes he wants to fight Vinny. They're both neutered, butLouie can still be pretty grumpy when he wants to (he has this noise hemakes that's sort of a protesting honk, it's very low and gravelly andhe only does it when he doesn't want to be touched). Hispersonality is one of the reasons we think he may be a BritanniaPetite, because I've heard they can be very ill-tempered.Even so, I love him all the same.

How about your rabbits? How many and what kinds do you have? What are their names?

Hi Vinny! :dude:

I have two rabbits. One is my little Monster Boy named Tucker. He's 3years old. I had gotten him on 9/11/01 from a very excellent breeder. Ikeep in close contact with the breeder I got him from and purchase myfeed from them. They're excellent people. They've won many prizes fortheir rabbits. The people I got him from are retired and still are verymuch into keeping rabbits (having 200 holes (rabbits) at the moment).Their son and lovely daughter-in-law have their own rabbitry as welland so if the they don't know the answer to something, I can go tothem.

Tucker's a chocolate Polish bunny, the one that's shown in my avatar, and he's got an Attitude!! He knows he's so cool.

I also adopted a rescue by the name of Fauna. She's the sweetest littlething. Doesn't cause any trouble at all. I think one time in the sinceI've had her, which has been for a few months now, I had to correcther. She got a little jealous when I was cooing and petting Tucker andgave him a nudge to get out of the way.

She intimidates Tucker with her beauty and care-less attitude. Tucker,who was such a cocky little guy beats feet away from her the minute shelooks at him. She's 4.5 years old. Buck Jones rescued her from thefamily she was neglected by and when he did, she didn't know whattreats, hay, or toys were. She'd face the corner of the cage all day.She's doing really well now. Gobbles down her hay, snuggles up to hertoys, loves a treat, and jumps out of the cage to socialize and hangout in the main room with the rest of us.

I giggle when I hear of rabbits 'snorting' their point across. I curious, how does Vinny take to Louie's bullying?

Vinny doesn't really respond to Louie's bullyingwhen they're out together, he's more submissive than anything; eitherhe'll crouch down in a "It doesn't bother me" attitude or he'll joinalong in the chase (which he thinks is a game). But when Ilet them out seperately, which is what I usually do, he'll hop over toLouie's cage and give the bars a few challenging kicks, just to showLou who's boss in this warren.;)

VinnyBoBinny wrote:
Vinny doesn't really respond to Louie's bullying whenthey're out together, he's more submissive than anything; either he'llcrouch down in a "It doesn't bother me" attitude or he'll join along inthe chase (which he thinks is a game). But when I let themout seperately, which is what I usually do, he'll hop over to Louie'scage and give the bars a few challenging kicks, just to show Lou who'sboss in this warren.;)


What a little devil! *giggles* Toocute!

Here's my two babies. Not a very good picture of them, but it'll give you an idea of what they look like.


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