Active Member
DaisyNBuster wrote:
Despite what people think, pellets aren't the best food for arabbit - in fact, pellets can actually be bada rabbitif they don't get enough vegetables to go with it. Pelletsare actually designed for rabbits that are kept as livestock - not petrabbits.
I feed Mushrooms a mixed food, it's fortified like Vickie said with allthe stuff they need and the "coloured mixed" is just, in fact, acrushed down dried out formula of sweetcorn, lettuce, and other grainsand pulses. Mushrooms is healthy as anything, and like you said Vickie,your rabbits are just the same.
I would advise everyone not to worry - whatever they're feeding theirky00t little bunny rabbits. The only think I get concerned about is theamount of ash in non-pellet food (although the pellet food I've seenstill contains a fair bit.)
I know my rabbits are healthy and happy so if I offend anyonebysaying I givethem mix thensorry. Why isit that people are so quick to shout at peopleandcriticizebecause they aren't as perfect as them. Ifmixis so bad for a rabbits then why sell it at all. At theend of the day it is what my local stores sell and when you don't havea car, then you are limited to how far you can travel. If I amneglecting my rabbits then like I said I am sorry. You are all now freeto Vickie bash..........
Despite what people think, pellets aren't the best food for arabbit - in fact, pellets can actually be bada rabbitif they don't get enough vegetables to go with it. Pelletsare actually designed for rabbits that are kept as livestock - not petrabbits.
I feed Mushrooms a mixed food, it's fortified like Vickie said with allthe stuff they need and the "coloured mixed" is just, in fact, acrushed down dried out formula of sweetcorn, lettuce, and other grainsand pulses. Mushrooms is healthy as anything, and like you said Vickie,your rabbits are just the same.
I would advise everyone not to worry - whatever they're feeding theirky00t little bunny rabbits. The only think I get concerned about is theamount of ash in non-pellet food (although the pellet food I've seenstill contains a fair bit.)