Food brand?

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DaisyNBuster wrote:
I know my rabbits are healthy and happy so if I offend anyonebysaying I givethem mix thensorry. Why isit that people are so quick to shout at peopleandcriticizebecause they aren't as perfect as them. Ifmixis so bad for a rabbits then why sell it at all. At theend of the day it is what my local stores sell and when you don't havea car, then you are limited to how far you can travel. If I amneglecting my rabbits then like I said I am sorry. You are all now freeto Vickie bash..........


Despite what people think, pellets aren't the best food for arabbit - in fact, pellets can actually be bada rabbitif they don't get enough vegetables to go with it. Pelletsare actually designed for rabbits that are kept as livestock - not petrabbits.

I feed Mushrooms a mixed food, it's fortified like Vickie said with allthe stuff they need and the "coloured mixed" is just, in fact, acrushed down dried out formula of sweetcorn, lettuce, and other grainsand pulses. Mushrooms is healthy as anything, and like you said Vickie,your rabbits are just the same.

I would advise everyone not to worry - whatever they're feeding theirky00t little bunny rabbits. The only think I get concerned about is theamount of ash in non-pellet food (although the pellet food I've seenstill contains a fair bit.)

I give my buns Oxbow Bunny Basics pellets, butthey only get 1/2 to 3/4 cup per day for two bunnies (5 and 11pounds). I give themunlimited timothy hay and lotsof veggies every night.


Sophie wrote:
DaisyNBuster wrote:
Leanne, Idon't know if there is a Wilkinsons hardware store near you, but if so'Russel Rabbit' is buy one get one free at the moment.

And 'Wagg' bunny food!! :D

You can even find packs with a free pack of beetroot treats inside, notthat my rabbit liked them... He gave them one sniff and looked at me asthough I were crazy :p
LOL its just like a box of cereal :D. Beetroot treats, my buns have never tried them. I gotta take a look at that Wagg food now.

Most of the brands you all mention, I've never seen here. Heck, I haven't even seen any purina brands!

I did go to the feed store yesterday and bought a pound of their rabbitpellets. Blossom gobbled it right up but Benny threw a fit and dug itall out of the bowl to pick the other stuff out b/c I mixed it in thebowl. So, feed store pellets are good? This stuff was very cheap!!!!The price kind of worried me b/c a pound didn't even cost a dollar.
Despite what people think, pellets aren'tthe best food for a rabbit - in fact, pellets can actually bebada rabbit if they don't get enough vegetables to gowith it. Pellets are actually designed for rabbits that arekept as livestock - not pet rabbits.

I feed Mushrooms a mixed food,

Sorry i just can't agree with that. i know you probably gotthat from the HRS, but they have been wrong about otherissues. (not that everybodys perfect).

but i "strongly object to that remark"

I feed Mushrooms a mixed food,
when i read that i thought you were saying that you fed yourrabbit MUSHROOMS, and typed a whole rant about it before i realizedthat your rabbit was named mushrooms :p
DaisyNBuster wrote:
Sophie wrote:
DaisyNBuster wrote:
Leanne, I don't know if there is a Wilkinsons hardware storenear you, but if so 'Russel Rabbit' is buy one get one free at themoment.

And 'Wagg' bunny food!! :D

You can even find packs with a free pack of beetroot treats inside, notthat my rabbit liked them... He gave them one sniff and looked at me asthough I were crazy :p
LOL its just like a box of cereal :D. Beetroot treats, my buns have never tried them. I gotta take a look at that Wagg food now.

WOW! lol - saw some beetroot treats once on the shelfand was gonnna get them but then decided to go with the carrot oneswhich they loved! :)
RusselandRoxy wrote:
I feed my rabbitsa brand of food called 'RusselRabbit', i havent really seen much else other than shops own brands, dothey have have different foods here or somehting? I also feed my guineapigs, 'gerty guinea-pig' and i feed my gerbils 'gerry gerbil' food, lol!

Hi I live in cornwall and I used to feed russel rabbit andgerty. After a long time feeding it to my old buns thatI hadwhen I was little, I automatically brought it a few years later when Irescued a new bun {shawn} At first he tucked in to russell but after awhile he only atethe coloured biscuits and squashedpeas.When I was told that pellets werebetter I brought burgess supa rabbit excel and timothy hay. I've notlooked back, his coat and overall condition is better than ever:D. Andafter a poor start in life { he was in a very bad state when I had him}I can really notice the difference in him.:DI now feed thesame to my new baby. At first shawn didnt seem to notice itcreeping in to his old food, untill there was more than half of suparabbit and he walked over to his food had a quick sniff lookeddiscusted :(and didnt eat for two days:? now he loves thestuff.:DWhen I try to explain to some people why I now feedpellets {why change hisfood they say, he ate some of the oldfood so as long as hes eating whats the problem?} I say if we had aplate of food put in front of us what do we like more the junk or whatsgood for us? The junk, {well thats what most of us like wellI know I do} Just because we eat it doesnt mean its good forus. So its the same with rabbits.:D
lizabeth332 wrote:
Sorry i just can't agree with that. i know youprobably got that from the HRS, but they have been wrong about otherissues. (not that everybodys perfect).

but i "strongly object to that remark"
when i read that ithought you were saying that you fed your rabbit MUSHROOMS, and typed awhole rant about it before i realized that your rabbit was namedmushrooms :p
I didn't mean to offend anyone, sorry :) I didn't meanpelletsare bad, I just meant there are both pros and cons for feeding rabbitseither.

Are mushrooms bad for rabbits? I've never fed Mushrooms mushrooms ;)
Sophie wrote:
lizabeth332 wrote:
Sorry ijust can't agree with that. i know you probably got that fromthe HRS, but they have been wrong about other issues. (notthat everybodys perfect).

but i "strongly object to that remark"
when i read that ithought you were saying that you fed your rabbit MUSHROOMS, and typed awhole rant about it before i realized that your rabbit was namedmushrooms :p
I didn't mean to offend anyone, sorry :) I didn't meanpelletsare bad, I just meant there are both pros and cons for feeding rabbitseither.

Are mushrooms bad for rabbits? I've never fed Mushrooms mushrooms ;)

sorry, you didn't do the offending--i think i did. sorry.

I've never HEARD of mushrooms being fed to rabbits...just seems like,maybe not the best..i don't think mine would even touch them...butmaybe they eat them in the wild...who knows! :)
lizabeth332 wrote:
Sophie wrote:
lizabeth332 wrote:
Sorry ijust can't agree with that. i know you probably got that fromthe HRS, but they have been wrong about other issues. (notthat everybodys perfect).

but i "strongly object to that remark"
when i read that ithought you were saying that you fed your rabbit MUSHROOMS, and typed awhole rant about it before i realized that your rabbit was namedmushrooms :p
I didn't mean to offend anyone, sorry :) I didn't meanpelletsare bad, I just meant there are both pros and cons for feeding rabbitseither.

Are mushrooms bad for rabbits? I've never fed Mushrooms mushrooms ;)

sorry, you didn't do the offending--i think i did. sorry.

I've never HEARD of mushrooms being fed to rabbits...just seems like,maybe not the best..i don't think mine would even touch them...butmaybe they eat them in the wild...who knows! :)
Mushrooms finds curtains good to chew... So I don't think have a little nibble on a mushroom would do Mushrooms any harm ;)

(Ohhh, this is getting confusing, all this talking of Mushrooms and mushrooms.)
BunBun Mom wrote:
Ok, what about hay? Is the kaytee brand good for hay?
I used Kaytee for a long and just wasn't real happy with it. Ifound it wasn't near as green as I'd like and never really smelled allthat great. It was all I had to buy though. I hated it because Apollowouldn't eat much of it and I was throwing so much away.

I found an awesome source. A fellow church member is a farmerand I get my hay from him. I get a small square bale. It's green,smells really good and Apollo loves it.

samandshawn - Where did you get the "burgess suparabbit excel" from and for how much? I know Timothy Hay is from Pets atHome, can you get those pellets from there? I wish they did a deleveryservice then I would get it no problems in bulk. Please would youpossibly be able to get the nutritional value of the Burgess so I cancompaire it to what mine are on? I would be v. greatful :).
