The new baby is settling in well! Arthur loves her already. He spent the whole evening strutting and hopping for her, and even tried to protect her from me when I approached them (he knows I wouldn't hurt them, he was just being possessive). We bought a very nice second cage to keep baby bird in until she could move in with Arthur, but after I put Arthur in his cage he wouldn't stop screaming until I put the new bird in his cage. He seems quite pleased to have her there. Cockatiels aren't like other animals in that they're very gentle and I don't need to worry about him hurting her- if he didn't like her, he'd just shun her. He definitely likes her though! I also bought them a bunch of new toys and re-did the cage.
We like the new birdy too, she's so cute. She had some sort of injury and was at the vet for a couple weeks recovering, I think she's tamer than the other tiels at Petco (who are not the tiniest bit tame) because she was handled every day to get medication! She's still shy and runs away from hands, but once on your finger enjoys having her head and neck rubbed. No biting even when I clipped her wings, Arthur bit me more tonight than she did!
I ordered a DNA test for her but I'm 90% sure she's a girl. I correctly guessed the gender of all my other tiels (even when the very bird knowledgeable pet store Arthur and Michaela came from said Arthur was a girl and Michaela a boy), but the DNA test only costs $20 so I think it's worth it to know. All I have to do is clip one of her nails a bit short and collect a couple drops of blood on the little paper the DNA testing company is sending, then mail it back. I also ordered both birdies one of these:
Little Bird had one of these flight suits from the same company. When he came out of his cage, I would quickly put it on him and he'd run around everywhere without pooping on things! Very nice. I also ordered them the little lanyards so NEXT summer, we can take the birdies outside to enjoy the fresh air without worrying about them flying away.
Paul and I are working on names for the new birdy. We have Dora, Hannelore, Jemma, Clementine, Piper and Savannah on the list. She's so sweet and dainty that she needs a sweet, girly name.
Pictures coming tomorrow!