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Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2007
Reaction score
Burlington County, New Jersey, USA
The flu sucks. I feel like crap. I thought I would just share my pain. I missed a few days of work already. I did go into work for a few hours today but I think I'll stay home tomorrow. I think I will get the shot once I feel a bit better.

wouldn't the shot be rather pointless if you've already gotten it, since once you fight it off you become immune to the particular strain that's going around this year? :p
You could ask your doctor for Tamiflu. Hope that you feel better soon. Take it easy and rest.
I had influenza before Xmas and man was I SICK. I had never had the flu before but I was down for at least a week.
I feel your pain, literally! Get better soon!
New York is in a Flu state of emergency or something. I guess the shot is about half useful here; not working since it doesn't cover all the strains.

I hope you feel better!!
The flu stinks this year! I was running 104 degree fevers, shakes, chills, headache...thank goodness nothing came out either end. It lasted 5 days before it finally broke. I literally did nothing but get up to take Nyquil, get more water, and go to the bathroom. Thankfully the kids did all the animals for me. Get lots and lots of rest and drink lots of water. Hope you feel better soon!
Lol I had a thread about how bad the flu SHOT was this year (they gave me an overdosage). But, this is why I always do it!
I never get a flu shot, and most years never get the flu. Plus I've heard from many that had the shot and still got this flu, because the shot didn't cover this particular strand/virus. I'd sooner nature hit me with it than a medical lab. Plus it's a good excuse to lay around not doing anything. Not that you feel like doing anything anyway, but still! lol
I've been getting the flu vaccine for the last 5 years. When I went to college it was free to students and I frankly didn't have time to get sick. Now it's mandatory for all students who have not had a prior adverse vaccine reaction at my "health sciences" university. Of course lots of our students are meeting with patients (we vet students meet with clients) so it's in everybody's best interest for us to be vaccinated to prevent the spread.
Oh, God. I too have the flu, on top of girl problems, too. It's absolutely awful. I've just been huddled up in bed begging my boyfriend to make it stop. It's gotten so bad he came home from work this morning with roses, movies, flu medicine, and muffins. I hope you feel better soon.
Yep, apparently you can. I'm not going to that doctor anymore! And the funny thing is, my mom's friend created those needles but the actual vaccine was too much for me.
I have had the flu for the past 2 days... i feel your pain... we have to go through what?? another 2 and half winter months.... UGHHH:mad:

EDIT: What is the BEST thing for a cold/flu??
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What is the BEST thing for a cold/flu??

I haven't been to a doctor in many moons, and I don't get shots, but as for feel-good stuff, Lipton chicken noodle Cup a Soup(dehydrated) is nice. I actually make it every day for a snack. It's only 50 calories and not super high in salt like canned soups.

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