Flower's Gender

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Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2006
Reaction score
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
So, we decided today to do someonline picture research on what each gender's...um...things look like,so we could sex Flower while Flower was still okay with us holdingFlower (sorry...don't want to give away the surprise of the resultsbefore it's stated).....so we sexed Flower (and it was a lot moreobvious than I thought it would be, mind you)......and the resultsare.......

Flower's a Girl!!!!! :bunnydance:

I can't believe it...how exciting!!Hopefully this doesn't make bonding more difficult, but eitherway...it's wonderful to know for sure. :) So thismeans I've got two girls, and our kitty Hobbes is still my onlyson. :)

Now, a quick question...Maisie has a beautiful dewlapdeveloping. This means positively that she's a girl,right? Should I attempt sexing her, even with her resistingbeing held, or is this difinitive proof of her girliness?

Anyway, if anyone wants a link to the site we used to identify male vsfemale, can I post it here? I don't think it's a link that'son this site, but I want to share it. Can a mod let me know?

Thanks! :)
Sure! Go and post the site! Hehe :D

Yay! mommies little gal buns :).

I'M STILL WAITING FOR PICTURES THOUGH! BAAAD Masie and Flower's Mommy.. making us all wait on promised pictures.. :tantrum:
I know I know...I'm working on it, I promise!! :D:?

Spring wrote:
Sure! Go and post the site! Hehe :D

Yay! mommies little gal buns :).

I'M STILL WAITING FOR PICTURES THOUGH! BAAAD Masie and Flower's Mommy.. making us all wait on promised pictures.. :tantrum:
Spring wrote:
I'M STILL WAITING FOR PICTURES THOUGH! BAAAD Masie andFlower's Mommy.. making us all wait on promised pictures.. :tantrum:
yeah...BAD Maisie and Flower's mommy for making us all wait solong:nonono:!where's thepromisedpictures???!:waiting::(
Congrats on your little girl!

Oh, and...ahem....



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