Flower's ears

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Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2006
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Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Flower's ears look like they've startedfalling! The tip of her ears has gotten limp and even whenshe has her ears at attention, the right ear's tip won'tstiffen!

I'm so excited!! All day yesterday her right ear was at airplane-stance...so we're definitely making progress!

Another thing I don't think I mentioned...Flower's muzzle and face aremuch rounder than Maisie's was at her age...which I take it is a lopfeature as well. :)

How cute...:bunnydance:
I wonder if she'll go through a one-ear-up, one-ear-down phase. Some of my buns did that, and boy, talk about cute!
Hehe...wouldn't that just be the CUTEST??

I better hurry up and get pictures of pre-ear-fall so I can look at them later and say, "wow...look...her ears are UP!"

Greta wrote:
I wonder if she'll go througha one-ear-up, one-ear-down phase. Some of my buns did that, and boy,talk about cute!
Lop pictures that look like Flower...

This one has the same type of eye ring (but Flower's isn't as large)and face and ear shape as Flower, and is Flower's fluffiness.This is a Holland Lop.

This is also a Holland Lop, has a bit longer of a muzzle than Flower,but is more like Flower, because she is white, and has just a BIT of astripe and eye ring.

Just thought I'd share a bit of what I thought as far as Flower's breed.

Whatcha think, guys?

LOL...yeah yeah, we know who the new bunny would really be for...LOL!! :D

We are some bunny-obsessed people, aren't we?


Pet_Bunny wrote:
maherwoman wrote:
Whatcha think, guys?
Hmmm...I think I want to get another bunny for me....er...I mean for Pebbles.:lookaround
Rainbows! :bunnyheart
I can relate to how excited you are, maherwoman!

Fred's ears you to stick straight up and together, but now they stick out like old tv antennaes!
Zorro's ears used to be like Fred's, but now he has airplaneears! It's so cute when his ears stick forward, like he'spointing at whatever's in front of his nose :D
Oh, and it is SO exciting, too...it's so cuteto see that corner of her ear just floppin around and not being able tobe stiff-straight anymore. Every morning brings moresurprised with this girl! :)

Nadezhda wrote:
I can relate to how excited you are, maherwoman!

Fred's ears you to stick straight up and together, but now they stick out like old tv antennaes!
Zorro's ears used to be like Fred's, but now he has airplaneears! It's so cute when his ears stick forward, like he'spointing at whatever's in front of his nose :D
I'm so excited about these floppy littleears...the one corner is just floppin around all the time and won'tstiffen...WEE!! I should have been able to capture it on thefilm...:D
Ya know...one other thing I noticed...Flower'sface is MUCH rounder than Maisie's was at her age...her face would becompletely Holland lop round, except that she has a little round muzzlethat comes out. She's so cute!! I can't wait topost pictures!!!!


I got some updated ones of Maisie, too...:D

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