Flower's chinning already...???

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Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2006
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Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Hey guys...my computer was down for a few days...and I'm so glad it's up again! I missed you guys!!

Anyway...on to my question...

My little Flower is around eight weeks old, and he's already startedchinning things! We're not totally confident Flower's a boy,since when the lady checked him out when he was rescued, he was tooyoung to tell gender. Could him chinning things be anindicator that he's a boy? I've read that boys can getneutered as early as four months...does this mean that their hormonesstart earlier than females'? Could it be possible that he sawMaisie chinning and is mimicking her behaviour?

Thanks, guys!! :D
maherwoman wrote:
Could him chinning things be an indicator thathe's a boy?
Based on my experiance, no. My girl, Merry, chins more than both of my boys. Everything belongs to her! :D
Pebbles started chinnig madly when she wasaround four months old. She's still chinnig madly! I'm not totallyconfident that she's a girl.. but she struggles so much when I try toflip her over so I don't do it often.
My basic question is the fact that he's chinningso early on. I thought two months was a bit early for them tostart chinning...am I wrong??
When I got Nora she was 10 weeks old and alreadychinning everything in sight! I think it just depends on thebunny. It don't think you can tell if they are aboy or a girl from it.
Bunnies do this to mark it with their scent and'claim' it as their own. They have scent glands in their chin, so theyrub what they are claiming, and this is 'chinning'. It's a great honourto be chinned by a bunny ;)

Thumper doesn't chin much at all.Whereas when I had Sooty who was a girly bunny, she did it all the timeall I needed to do was hold my fingers out towards her and she wouldclaimu.
peapoo was somewhere around 2 months when we gother...maybe a little older or younger, who knows... she startedchinning things days after we got her:)
My lil one is chinning also and he is 8 wks! Iknow Cuddles my older bun is gonna be tired when i let him out tryingto reclaim all the furniture tables lol etc....he also poops ALOTcuddles that is when he is by the baby buns cage! And yes they are bothmales
Both of my boys started chinning at about 8weeks and were neutered at 12 weeks. I took them to the vet and shesaid that they were mature enough to have the op.

They both chin everything still though including me! (they wee wee on things anymore though!)

Fusilli started chinning at 8 weeks. Her name was FusilliJerry (seinfeld), I thought the same thing you did: boys will be boysand start marking territories ASAP. Well, I had to drop the"jerry" part of her name a few months later...

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