Well-Known Member
i remember when i use to use Carefresh, it wasnice but it was so expensive for me and you didn't get a lot, then icame across woody pet, oh i love woodypet also.
That's right........I never experienced odor untilPebbles had an accident (peed on the kitchenfloor) and that what such astrong smell. Thank goodnessfor vinegar.Once I started using Woody Pet, the odor problems no longer existed
OMG!! I never realized the difference and then when I wasaway, my Mom ran out of Woody Pet, so she used the old recyclednewspaper stuff, boy did it stink!Thatwas the weekend I started using Woody Pet. Once I started using WoodyPet, the odor problems no longer existed and the flies that do get inare not attracted to the bunnie room. It's even better now that all ofthe buns are litter trained.
I luuuuuuuv Woody Pet!![]()
What?:? Who...ME?:shock: NO WAY!! Notme!!:embarrassed::laugh:and I thought i was the onlyone who ran around acting sosilly !!!!!!
That's what we use at work. UV lights with flypaper behind them.I'm not sure if you would find this useful, but I have a small ultraviolet fly lamp in my room. In summer I usually leave it on for about 30 minutes each night. IfI turn the lights out, I've found it's pretty effective forattracting any flies or mosquitos that I've had trouble catching by hand.
Thanks for Bumping Jim. What a story. Your poor sweet buns. Grrr I hate flies with a passion. I can just picture yourunning round for 20 mins trying to get rid of the pesky thing.
I'm going to get some of that sticky fly thing. Also Buck said that Vanilla also acted like a repellent so I got some of that earlier and I am about to change their water with a couple of drops of vanilla (will help withstinkysnowy too).
We had an unspecified 'something' die up in the attic crawl space where we couldn't get to it. And for 4 days our house was crawling with "Green Bottles"(green flies).