Flies, flies, and more flies...

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i remember when i use to use Carefresh, it wasnice but it was so expensive for me and you didn't get a lot, then icame across woody pet, oh i love woodypet also.


JimD wrote:
Once I started using Woody Pet, the odor problems no longer existed
That's right........I never experienced odor untilPebbles had an accident (peed on the kitchenfloor) and that what such astrong smell. Thank goodnessfor vinegar.

Rainbows! :)
JimD wrote:
Thatwas the weekend I started using Woody Pet. Once I started using WoodyPet, the odor problems no longer existed and the flies that do get inare not attracted to the bunnie room. It's even better now that all ofthe buns are litter trained.

I luuuuuuuv Woody Pet! :D
OMG!! I never realized the difference and then when I wasaway, my Mom ran out of Woody Pet, so she used the old recyclednewspaper stuff, boy did it stink!


>"....As for using sprays and such, thefriend of mine who suggested the fly strips thinks that people take achance with chemical sprays because of the rabbit's sensitive systems.I know some breeders will use sprays, but I agree with my friend. Keepit as organic as you can get....."

Carolyn, the sprays from Purge and Country Vet are organic, they usepyrethrin which is derived from crysanthimum flowers.I've used four of the automatic sprayers in my barn for about 20 years,w/o harm to me or my rabbits. Their use is okd by feds for use in foodpreparation areas. I place the sprayers up above the rabbits, in therafters and have few if any flys. One can of spray lasts about 30days.

It's that season again...


jfvklljhviop[.........I just killed one on the key board

Just a reminder to watch out for flies and keep the buns and they surrounding as clean as you possibly can.

I'm not sure if you would find this useful, but I have a small ultraviolet fly lamp in my room. In summer I usually leave it on for about 30 minutes each night. IfI turn the lights out, I've found it's pretty effective forattracting any flies or mosquitos that I've had trouble catching by hand.
Eve wrote:
I'm not sure if you would find this useful, but I have a small ultraviolet fly lamp in my room. In summer I usually leave it on for about 30 minutes each night. IfI turn the lights out, I've found it's pretty effective forattracting any flies or mosquitos that I've had trouble catching by hand.
That's what we use at work. UV lights with flypaper behind them.
DaisyNBuster wrote:
Thanks for Bumping Jim. What a story. Your poor sweet buns. Grrr I hate flies with a passion. I can just picture yourunning round for 20 mins trying to get rid of the pesky thing.

I'm going to get some of that sticky fly thing. Also Buck said that Vanilla also acted like a repellent so I got some of that earlier and I am about to change their water with a couple of drops of vanilla (will help withstinkysnowy too).


Could you tell me more about the vanilla. A couple of drops of vanilla goes in the water? How does it effect the buns?

It seems in the summer at least once a day a fly gets in our house. Especially when we grill out. Flies are so disgusting and dangerous too for the buns.


Here's Buck Jones' advice on vanilla:

[align=left]I add approximately one teaspoon of vanilla flavoring extract, real or artificial, to one gallon of drinking water in an effort to reduce fly strike and warbles by reducing the number of flies in and about our rabbits. Seems that the vanilla odor within the urine andstool is repugnant to flies and tends to drive them away.[/align]
[align=left]The measurement is not terribly critical and more often than not, I just eyeball the amount added to the water until it changes color. Most people won't accept such an unspecified amount, so I give the "exact" measurement to make them feel at ease with it.[/align]
[align=left]Vanilla flavoring also serves to encourage buns to drink more water, which is a coincidental positive factor.[/align]
[align=left]I learned of this practice years ago on the old Rabbit Web Message Board, so I would not want to take credit as the initiator of the practice, though I doubt one could ever find such a person, anyway. It has probably been part and parcel of good rabbit husbandry for years in the past, as it is a homeopathic remedy, after all.[/align]
[align=left]--Buck Jones


Vanilla is supposed to be a natural fly repellant and it's thought that the scent also carries into rabbit urine and feces, attracting fewer flies.

The biggest problems are with rabbits that can't/won't groom themselves properly or if they have poopy butt or open wounds.

For more information on prevention and treatment, check out the Flystrike thread in Rabbit Health References:

I'm so glad the window screens in my house are better than the ones in my apartment last year! Hardly any bugs in here yet.:D
Did I mention I hate flies with a passion? Little bugs drive me insane! If I find oen in the rabbit room, I literally chase after it with a rolled up newspaper and do my best to kill it. I hate being in the grass too! Darn things land on you every few seonds!

:zoro:Die! Die! Dieeee!!!!:tantrum:
This may or may not be an issue, but note that vanilla extract is vanilla oil dissolved in a 35% alcohol
Other than Bot flies...what are the worst types of flies?? We had an unspecified 'something' die up in the attic crawl space where we couldn't get to it. And for 4 days our house was crawling with "Green Bottles"(green flies). I killed over 100 in that time and changed the litterboxes daily just in case. As well as checking and re-checking Dandelions ear(we just had the bandages removed after his surgery!) Is there a particular type/breed of fly that we should watch for especially??
I'm not sure, I'd just watch out for them all. I know that if bot flies lay eggs on other insects, the bot fly eggs can infect something if the insect lays the egg on it. I'd just watch out for everything.
ADDED BONUS: Rabbits will usually drink more water if you put a little vanilla in it. This helps them stay hydrated during the hot months.

Mine love it!

Runestonez wrote:
We had an unspecified 'something' die up in the attic crawl space where we couldn't get to it. And for 4 days our house was crawling with "Green Bottles"(green flies).

The article that I copied into the Fly Strike thread in Rabbit Health References says green bottle flies can cause flystrike and lay their eggs in warm wet areas. Although I would watch for any type of flies.

Is Dandelion's wound closed now?
Pretty much...it is scabbed over now. The vet wanted to suture the wound but due to tissue damage it was necessary to notch it instead. I was reading the posts and wiped the 'healthy' part of the ear with vanilla water(not close enuff to affect the wound though) just in case. We are on day 7 and we are fly free<knock on wood>, and there was no sign of larvae in the litterboxes. After reading about fly strike I have become a tad paranoid!! Better safe than sorry!! JimD was right though...smacking them is alot more satisfying than waiting for them to get stuck to the fly paper!!:D

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