I LuV MaH BuNs
Well-Known Member
My dad said he posted this but I can find it... We have recently started housing flies. OH JOY!! Anyway, my dad(JimD) said that he came downstairs this morning to thumping of feet. He walked into the room and all the bunnies ears when up, they stood upright and their eyes were wide. All of a sudden, MooShu started elegantly hopping around her cage and thumping. She would hop over her box into it through the window and do it all over again. All of a sudden all the rabbits started doing it. He calmed them all down and then he saw it.. A FLY!! The bunnies started going nuts again, the dog Reya, came in to help get the fly. Of course seeing a 47 year old bald man jumping around the room swating at a fly didn't help the bunnies much... Why were they freaking out so bad??