Flies and fleas

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Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2006
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Denise from Long Island, New York, USA
My vet told me that it's not good to take a bunny outside because theyare in danger of fleas and fly larvae? Is this true? She told me thatthose big black horseflies just have to "brush up" against the bunny'sfur to lay eggs without even landing. Once they lay their eggs, thelarvae burrow into the rabbit's skin and eat the rabbit's flesh untilthey are ready to fly away? She actually showed me a larvae that shepulled from a bunny that was the size of a quarter. After seeing that,I am terrified to take little Trix outside! How do you prevent this? Ibought a harness and everything to take her out when she is a littleolder...but now I am not sure this is a good idea.....
It is true. Fleas are more likely ifyour rabbit goes outdoors. Bot flies (warbles) lay their eggson vegetation. The eggs attach to bunny fur, and when thelarvae hatch they burrow into the skin and stay there for part of theirlife cycle. This is not an emergency but the rabbit should betaken to a vet. Also, outside rabbits are more prone to flystrike, which is maggots eating their flesh. It's more commonin obese or ill rabbits, those with open wounds, or very dirtycages. This is deadly and needs fast action to get the rabbitto a vet.

I just finished these topics in Rabbit Health References. You can find out about treatment and protection there.

Fly Strike
Bot Flies

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