Hi Rowena!
How exciting!!

Sitting here with a grin from ear to ear. Good for you for doing your homework on the cage size, etc.
I have the biggest sized dog crate I could find at the time, andalthough this should get Cali through her life just fine, I do think ofhow I could make it bigger or get a bigger cage. Her cage is 48" long,32" high, and 30" wide. When she stretches out, she takes at least halfof the cage up in length.
She's got an area to rest on her grass mats, a litterbox in the corner,and an area for her to lay out on the plastic floor. One thing she doeslove to do when I greet her is stand up on her hind legs, with herfront paws on the cage, and pushes out her belly. She knows I melt whenshe does that. She won't let me touch her belly, but she's got to showme how cute and big it's getting.
Needless to say, I'm really glad I got a tall cage. She's a growinggirl though and I may have to upgrade again depending upon how big shegets. I'm certainly open to that idea. Whether I add to this cage orleave it as it is, only time will tell.
What colors does the Flemish breeder you have contacted have? My Calihas grown so fast in the past 6 months. I don't really see it as muchas everyone else does, but I can feel it when I pick her up. There's alot more body to hug and she's much longer...although she thinks she'sstill 3 lbs. She shot up from 7.9 lbs. when I got her, and she's now13.14 lbs. She can be very clumsy as she hops around because it's as ifher growth spurts even shock her and she has to get used to how tomaneuver that big body. Such a Baby Beast!