Flemish Parents

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Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2005
Reaction score
, Nevada, USA
Could you give me some idea on cages? Not thatIm getting one right now, but I have decided if we add another bunny,it will be a flemish :) So, I would like to know some cage sizes. Iknow its recommended to use the bigger wire type dog crates right? Whatelse do you put?

Could you post some pics? hehe THanks!

Right now, Sampson is in a NIC condo.It won't work for too long, but for now it's fine. He's goingto move into a huge dog crate once I move. I think thedimensions are around 6'x3'x4'. Shawn's going to build himsome shelves to sit on, but I'm not sure what we're going to use yet --probably reinforced wood.

Nimue's cage was handmade by my dad so it would be big enough for him...


it just so happens that it also can fit under my bed perfectly! :)

It is 6 feet long 4 or 5 feet wide and 3 feet tall :)

Ya it is stuck in there :D He iscompletely litter box trained so he has a large plastic container inthere that I can just dump. I can fit my whole self in there if I haveto :p But I really wouldnt want to :)

The ideal Flemish cage is supposed to be4 ft.x3 ft.x2 ft. I found Apollo a cage that big. I must admit that itis a bit too big and really hard to clean. I think that alot of itdepends on how much out time your bunn will get.

I would recommend a cage that is 3 ft. by 3 ft by 2ft. is a good size cage. I am actually downsizing Apollo's cage to thatsize.

Whatever cage you decide on I would make sure it can be cleanedeasily. I would suggest a hopper style feeder as I've yet to find abowl that a Flemish can't flip and toss around. The ideal hopper stylewould be the type made for large breeds.

Flemish are notorious drinkers, a 32 ounce water bottle is definitely the best.

Flemish are a bit prone to sore hocks due to their immenseweight. I would suggest resting mats or even grass mats for them torest on.

I hope this helps. I hope you find a Flemish sooner rather than later lol. Good Luck.

Thanks everyone! I appreciate all the cage ideas.

I have emailed a breeder about 2 1/2 hours from me and I am waiting tohear back hehe I found two others that I may email soon. Hubby is stillsort of on the fence about another bunny and I may end up waiting untilwe have moved. Which is going to be end of June it looks like. We hope!

Reading all of the stories about the Flemish and seeing their pics hassold me. I even think one will make a great pet for Caitlyn. Especiallyif its as laid back as the ones on here. I still have high hopes forChinny :) But she may end up being more my bun and the flemish more thefamily bun hehe

Hi Rowena!

How exciting!! :) Sitting here with a grin from ear to ear. Good for you for doing your homework on the cage size, etc.

I have the biggest sized dog crate I could find at the time, andalthough this should get Cali through her life just fine, I do think ofhow I could make it bigger or get a bigger cage. Her cage is 48" long,32" high, and 30" wide. When she stretches out, she takes at least halfof the cage up in length.

She's got an area to rest on her grass mats, a litterbox in the corner,and an area for her to lay out on the plastic floor. One thing she doeslove to do when I greet her is stand up on her hind legs, with herfront paws on the cage, and pushes out her belly. She knows I melt whenshe does that. She won't let me touch her belly, but she's got to showme how cute and big it's getting.

Needless to say, I'm really glad I got a tall cage. She's a growinggirl though and I may have to upgrade again depending upon how big shegets. I'm certainly open to that idea. Whether I add to this cage orleave it as it is, only time will tell.

What colors does the Flemish breeder you have contacted have? My Calihas grown so fast in the past 6 months. I don't really see it as muchas everyone else does, but I can feel it when I pick her up. There's alot more body to hug and she's much longer...although she thinks she'sstill 3 lbs. She shot up from 7.9 lbs. when I got her, and she's now13.14 lbs. She can be very clumsy as she hops around because it's as ifher growth spurts even shock her and she has to get used to how tomaneuver that big body. Such a Baby Beast!


Hi Carolyn,

Im a big researcher lol When I dont know about something I want, I ask ppl that do and learn before I get it :)

The breeder I contacted, who has yet to get back with me :( has: Sandy, Fawn, White, Light Gray, Steel Gray, Black, Blue

Thats a lot of colors! I dont know how Ill choose hehe Well, I hope thebunny chooses us. I know of two other breeders about the same distanceI may contact. Just have to convince hubby to go with me hehe

I went and met a breeder last nite, what ajoke. The 2 she had left from a litter at Christmas werescared to death of people....and the cages (hutches) were very smalland hardly any way for them to get off the wire... :mad: Wewere there long enough to look like we weren't running scared and thatwas about it.

I'd love in alot of ways to get a Flemish, but after recent events withCorky I'm thinking about adoping something a lil closer to everyonessize, a female and balance things out a bit with 2 and 2. ;)
Can't help with the cage ideas but I hope youget a flemish real soon and can't wait to see pictures. Do you have acolor idea? Yesterday my next door neighbor brought their goldenretirever over with my two black lab mixes and it was a very prettysight seeing them sit together with one gold head above the others.
Not sure on a color yet. Ive seen pics of themall, but I figure Ill see what the breeder has at the time I do go lookand let one pick me. Chinny is black and white, so maybe Ill get alighter colored bunny next time lol

My 10 lb. Palomino has a cage (hutch setup)that is 5 ft. by 3 ft. by 2 ft. (high). Ithas awire bottom (very fuzzy feet and the weight isn't an issue like withFlemmys).

Anyway, the cage stays absolutely spotless (except for the spray"decorations" all the way up the wall) and he loves it because he canrun laps.

I think thelight grey and black is theonly color Flemmy we dont have on the boards! Buthey, I have been out of the loop lately so I could be wrong.

Apollo is white

Cali is Sandy

Ben is Fawn

Diva is grey

and Anubis is Blue

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