Flemish Giant housing?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2006
Reaction score
, Minnesota, USA
so i've noticed there area few Flemish Giant owners out there and I'd like to know if anyone canhelp me out. I'm slowly putting together a large source of FlemishGiant information on my website and next big project was to do a pagefeaturing different kinds of Flemish Giant housing used by breeders andpet owners alike, I have asked on other forums and groups but I haveyet to get any kind if response, much less a picture so any help wouldbe great! This is the information I need

1.) A good picture of the housing

2.) what you like and dislike about it

3.) how much it cost to make or buyand if it was store bought, where you got it from.

I'm looking for all types of housing, whether youjust blocked off the corner of a room or constucted a two level castle,if your flemmie call's it home, I want to hear about it! lolthanks :jumpingbunny:
I also forgot a few more things I need, lol,

4.) If you built it, what was the basic supplies used, i.e. NIC panels, baby gates, wood and rabbitfencing, etc.

5.) If you include a pictureandor you just wantcredit please include your rabbitry name and or linkor yourfirst name, no last names for your safety
hi flemish,i like your web page. :) ithought i would bump this for you. i am interested in hand-constructedlarger rabbit housing too.

Ya, great website!

My flemish just has a big standard wire cage, nothingspecial. It's raised up a little sopoopthat doesn't makes it to the litter box falls down andshehas a mat in thereto sit on.

Likes: Cheap (I got it free from someone who was getting outof rabbits. We just added some scrap wood forreinforcement) Also, it has a roof so she cannot get rainedon. It is portioned off down the middle so another rabbitcould live in the other half.

Dislikes: It's so ugly.


I'm sorry...I don't have any information or such about Flemish Giants...but I just wanted to tell you...

I love the site...and especially love the terms you have for peoplethat wish to purchase buns from you. Not to mention that theyhave to go THROUGH the terms page to get to the page that lists thebuns you have available. I also like that you have the HouseRabbit Society's Easter bunny banner on there. :DThat's awesome!

Well, that's about all I have to say...my buns are quite small, so theydon't qualify for any sort of large breed. Lol...:)
Oh, one thought, though...you might try going tothe Rabbits United page (it's UK-based, where they have more FlemishGiants). I can PM you the site's addy if you want.:)
Cool site! There used to be a wholelot of pet Flemmy parents here. I know SweetPeasMommie usedto have a flemmie until her hubby became allergic to him. Shehad an NIC cage for him. You could pm her forpictures. There were also a couple people using really bigdog crates.
naturestee wrote:
There were also a couple people using really big dog crates.

Yeppers....dog crates. Carolyn uses one for Cali.

I think Buck used one for Ernestine. He made a wire mesh insert thatsat in the bottom so she wouldn't be sitting in the tray and it wouldserve as a drop pan instead. However, she's a small dutch and cantolerate the wire bottom. He also has caster wheels welded to thebottom so he could move it easier.

I use rabbit cages made by Midwest (Wabbitat), they also makes dogcrates. I like the kind that can fold down...makes it easy topack&go, or for cleaning purposes. They make one dog cratethat's 48Lx30Wx33H.

For Toostie (black NZ @ over 10lbs)I used a large rabbitcage, took the door off,and then attached the ex-pen to it.She eats and uses the litterpan in the cage, but spends most of hertime lounging in the pen area that has apegboard floor.

For Binkie (am fuzzy lop) I took two smaller cages, took one end off each, and attached them together to make a 4 foot cage.

Check on ebay or Craigslist for you're best deals. I paid less than at the petsupply.....even with shipping included.
Oh I think there is some misunderstading... Ipersonally am not looking for cages I'm all set on cages, I just wantto post pictures of what people have used for Different Flemish Gianthousing on my website, I have educational pages and articlesspecifically for Flemish Giant owners. But thanks for the suggestions :D


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