Flemish Giant expected weight

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Aug 13, 2006
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Hi, As I understand, Flemish Giants areexpected to grow to 15-20lbs within 9 months from birth. Ourgiants are just over 5 months old now, and the doe and buck are 5lbsand 4lbs, respectively. Is this normal? I see fourpossibilities:

1.) Bunny growth is geometric, not linear. That, or there is agrowth spurt coming up.2.) Flemish Giants do not in fact grow to15-20lbs.3.) These are just small Flemish Giants.4.) We are not feedingthem enough.I have no idea about (1). The data i have found seemsto disagree with (2). How possible is (3)? (4) concernsme. They are fed once a day. They get about 3/4 cup ofalfalfa pellets, unlimited hay (that is, as fast as we can refill thehoppers), and a "pile" of fresh greens daily. This is typically amix of endive and romaine lettuce, but we throw in mint, escarole, andcilatro sometimes. They always eat all of it, but typically theydo not finish it in one sitting. We eyeball the amount; if youchopped it up it would be just a little over what you could hold inyour fist. Neither of them looks thin. The doe has a bigfluffy dewlap.So does anyone know what the deal is?Thanks! (andapologies if the board software doesn't recognize carriage returns, yetagain)
I would free feed the buns untill they are fullygrown. They will need alot of energy to grow to the big sizethey are supposed to be.

Where did you get the buns from? Was is a breeder or a petstore? It is possible that they are not Flemish, or they area mix.

I've never owned a giant breed, so I don't know their growth patterns,but I do know it can take up to a year for them to reach full growth.

So try free feeding them, don't restrict their pellets (unless theyseem to be just getting fat instead of growing). And makesure they've got lots of hay, and keep feeding them the veggies theyare used to.

Hopefully some one with more knowledge will be along shortly.


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