Ok so I will post my boy

As requested by Tinysmom.
My boyfriend and I were going to get him from a breeder about 70 miles away. When we got there, I was overwhelmed with choices, as I did not want one under 3 months old. I knew I wanted a boy, but I could not decide between a fawn and a black flemish. I played with both of them and was just at a loss. Than I sat back and watched the black one; I knew he was the one! Oh and he was born on my dad's birthday! He was 3 months old.
I saw both his parents; his mom was black and his dad was blue. He was the only boy in the litter.
The breeder took this pic of him as a baby.
Anyway, on the drive home, he sat on my lap the whole time. We decided to name him Bruce Wayne, because he is black and we like Batman. Then when we got home, we realized he was anything BUT stealthy (like Batman is). I was not prepared to have an 8 pound bunny binky and dash through my room. He ran into walls and almost knocked over my tv.
I had him in the superpet cage for three days just to litter train him. My ferret was quite amused.
He was so wonderful; he litterbox trained the same night I brought him home. He also got along great with my cat.
Everything went great with him. He kept growing and growing...
I neutered him at four months, and I was the only person at the vet who he would let hold him.
Five months after that, we moved to Oceanside.
He adjusted very well and is really happy that I have a porch he can have supervised outside time on. He seems stealthier at the new place, as well.
Here he is about to do a huge binky...
Here he is wondering why my cat is in his cage
And lastly, him sleeping in his pen.
My friends are always impressed when he comes when I call his name and he goes in the pen when I tell him to. They are also astounded that he never poops anywhere but his box. Watching the reaction on their faces when he darts through the room is priceless.