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Active Member
Apr 20, 2010
Reaction score
Los Angeles, California, USA
My friend, Diana, just called me freaking out because she found fleas one her rabbits.

My buns have never had fleas so I couldn't really recommend any effective method to get rid of them.

What should she use?



Frontline, advantage, revolution etc?

Pipp wrote:

No shampoo.

(Never ever ever use Frontline).

Sorry this took so long!

sas :bunnydance:
well,-my choice of weapons is advantage-orange box,,-match withrabbits weight/reading the instructions is a must..-on any insecticide.,placement is critical.//.i am of rescent,, trying sergeants gold-for small cats under 5 pounds--no negative input as of yet.//.i read somewhere as pipp stipulates,,no revolution-no,no--,,sincerely james waller:big wink:
Yikes! :shock: I'd NEVER use Sergeants, please don't even try it James! :p Not as bad as Frontline, but their products can be horrible for cats and dogs, I most certainly wouldn't trust it on a rabbit.

And Pipp stipulated YES for Revolution, it's the recommended treatment for rabbits. I think it's the mauve package for kittens? I''ll have to check that.

Advantage is okay, but most vets prefer Revolution.

sas :expressionless
Revolution Dosage Info (Dana Krempels)


Revolution (selamectin) comes in two concentrations: 120mg/ml and
60mg/ml. The former is sold in tubes for larger dogs, and the latter is
sold in tubes for smaller dogs, cats, puppies, and kittens. If you're not
sure which solution you have, check the box. The concentration is listed
there, usually in very fine print.

Either solution will work for rabbits. It's the amount that must be
modified to give the correct dose, which is 6mg/kg.

Note that a cubic centimeter (cc) is the same as a milliliter (ml). If you
are using the more concentrated solution (120mg/ml), then use a
*needle-less* 1cc syringe (from your vet) to draw up 0.05cc per kg of
rabbit. For example, a 4kg rabbit would get 0.2ml of the 120mg/ml

If you are using the less concentrated solution (60mg/ml), then use the
1cc syringe to draw up 0.1cc per kg of rabbit. The same 4kg rabbit as
above would get 0.4ml of the less concentrated solution. Obviously, you
need an accurate weight for your rabbit to determine the correct volume
of Revolution. (Note also that 1kg = 2.2lb)

Squirt the Revolution onto the skin (part the fur, and gently press the
tip of the (NO NEEDLE!) syringe to the skin) on the back of the neck area,
just above the shoulders. This dose should last 2-4 weeks, but you should
always consult your veterinarian about proper dosing, and not use any
medications on your rabbit without first consulting your vet.
Revolution is probably what I would recommend most. Our shelter uses it on all rabbit intakes and adverse reactions to it are extremely rare. Frontline is a no go for rabbits. Advantage is ok but seems to have more adverse reactions than Revolution.

You also want to treat the environment--use kitten flea powder and vacuum it up thoroughly before you let bunnies in there. You can also put a flea collar inside the container of the vacuum.
Thanks everyone!

Thats actually what I told her to use, revolution, I also told her to treat the area.

I'm pretty sure she'll go with the advantage since they don't sell revolution at petsmart or petco. :-/

I really hope she understands the dosage you described pipp.

She's a bit ditzy and very new to having rabbits, so I really hope it all works out.

So Diana just called and said she is going to use the advantage.
I also told her to buy some flea powder.

And if any on you were wondering what I meant by "ditzy" and "new to having rabbits" heres and example: She bought an eight pound bag of timothy hay and it lasted her ONE YEAR!! For five rabbits! She would only give them a small hand full every other day.

I'm trying my best to guide her in the right direction but it's tough starting from the very beginning.

(plus we're not really friends, she just calls me on the phone when she needs rabbit advice)
Pipp wrote:
Yikes! :shock: I'd NEVER use Sergeants, please don't even try it James! :p Not as bad as Frontline, but their products can be horrible for cats and dogs, I most certainly wouldn't trust it on a rabbit.

And Pipp stipulated YES for Revolution, it's the recommended treatment for rabbits. I think it's the mauve package for kittens? I''ll have to check that.

Advantage is okay, but most vets prefer Revolution.

sas :expressionless
i am so sorry pipp,,er-my typo-mixeup -on insecticides/no frontline/-,i do-not use it or revoultion.//.as far as the two ingredients for sergeants gold(cats and kittensunder 5#)-,i did try the product on two victims--with no-ill- side effects,-just dead bugs,eggs,etc.--,the product worked great.//.when i first heard of advantage-i was scared to try it,,but reading the instructionsthoughly first--and some prior knowledge)-which-is a must for any insecticide--i know you know this.//.-i believe i had a post on the sergeants gold--and there was no abjections--i believe i shall reopen it....a rule of thumb i read some where is that if it is safe for kittens--it is ok for rabbits,,--if not i need to know why--with facts,as to why not--i shall do more research on the product as i do-not want to jepordize my babies-health.....sincerely james waller:big wink::p
ZavalaBunnies wrote:
So Diana just called and said she is going to use the advantage.
I also told her to buy some flea powder.

And if any on you were wondering what I meant by "ditzy" and "new to having rabbits" heres and example: She bought an eight pound bag of timothy hay and it lasted her ONE YEAR!! For five rabbits! She would only give them a small hand full every other day.

I'm trying my best to guide her in the right direction but it's tough starting from the very beginning.

(plus we're not really friends, she just calls me on the phone when she needs rabbit advice)
no flea powder on the rabbit please--that is a big no-no,,please see adopt a rabbit or house of rabbit websites...sincerely james waller:pray:
Pipp wrote:
my opinion of these websites are dis-information.//.the complaints,,concerns-are not descriptive of actual steps taken,,-just that the product was deadly,killed -or made their pets deathly ill,--and the acussers word is supposed to be golden--hog-wash.//.it is most dreadful,,and troublesome that people,,unwittingly harm-or kill-their loved ones---this subject requires research and careful thought..sincerely james waller:pray::rollseyes
Pipp wrote:
Revolution Dosage Info (Dana Krempels)


Revolution (selamectin) comes in two concentrations: 120mg/ml and
60mg/ml. The former is sold in tubes for larger dogs, and the latter is
sold in tubes for smaller dogs, cats, puppies, and kittens. If you're not
sure which solution you have, check the box. The concentration is listed
there, usually in very fine print.

Either solution will work for rabbits. It's the amount that must be
modified to give the correct dose, which is 6mg/kg.

Note that a cubic centimeter (cc) is the same as a milliliter (ml). If you
are using the more concentrated solution (120mg/ml), then use a
*needle-less* 1cc syringe (from your vet) to draw up 0.05cc per kg of
rabbit. For example, a 4kg rabbit would get 0.2ml of the 120mg/ml

If you are using the less concentrated solution (60mg/ml), then use the
1cc syringe to draw up 0.1cc per kg of rabbit. The same 4kg rabbit as
above would get 0.4ml of the less concentrated solution. Obviously, you
need an accurate weight for your rabbit to determine the correct volume
of Revolution. (Note also that 1kg = 2.2lb)

Squirt the Revolution onto the skin (part the fur, and gently press the
tip of the (NO NEEDLE!) syringe to the skin) on the back of the neck area,
just above the shoulders. This dose should last 2-4 weeks, but you should
always consult your veterinarian about proper dosing, and not use any
medications on your rabbit without first consulting your vet.
revolution,,wow--all that-pipp.//.i won,t use it--it sounds very scarey--and trying to explain the usage sounds/looks like a nightmare.//.much too easy to screw up---you should have added a disclaimer,,because even though you un derstand it,,i guarrentee others will not....sorry...sincerely james waller:p:pray::rollseyes
It's not that bad, just the dosing information is a bit confusing. You need to give a rabbit 6mg of the drug per kg of body weight. To do that, you multiply 6 x weight in kg to get the dose you need to give in mg. Then you need to determine what volume of the solution to give. If you have the 120mg/mL solution, you divide the amount you need to give in mg by 120, and that tells you how many cc to give (cc is the same as mL). If you have the 60mg/mL solution, divide the amount you need to give in mg by 60 to obtain how many cc to give. You also don't use a needle on the syringe at all--either when drawing the solution up into the syringe, or when applying it to the skin.

It is best if you have a vet do it, but you don't have to. For any drug, it's best to have a vet do it if you're unsure how to.

I know Pamnock recommends kitten flea powder but I am not sure on that one. I know Revolution is safe because literally every bunny that goes through our shelter gets it, and that's hundreds. ;)
James, Revolution is the flea drug of choice by the vast majority of rabbit vets and rabbit sites.

And when you have the Humane Society issuing warnings about Sargeant's, a whack of class action lawsuits, websites dedicated to warning people, not to even mention the NBC news reports and other investigative media saying the same thing, I think this one HAS been very well researched.

I love Revolution for fleas and mites. Midwest Rabbit Rescue uses that for all bunnies who come in with possible infestations. I think the dosing is confusing and depending on the concentration, it's usually just a few drops on the back of the neck.
I believe Advantage is the one that is safe but will kill only fleas and not mites? Usually when I have a rescue coming in they have both (plus ticks) so Revolution works great.
Haley wrote:
I love Revolution for fleas and mites. Midwest Rabbit Rescue uses that for all bunnies who come in with possible infestations. I think the dosing is confusing and depending on the concentration, it's usually just a few drops on the back of the neck.
I believe Advantage is the one that is safe but will kill only fleas and not mites? Usually when I have a rescue coming in they have both (plus ticks) so Revolution works great.
any insecticide misused can be lethal,,,advantage is no different,,i like it because after thoughly reading the directions,,applications--makes the product hard to get at by the animal--it does exactly as it states,,kills all fleas,eggs,mites,ticks-blood suckers-within 12 hours,,--that make our animals sick or worse..sincerely james waller:big wink:

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