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Well I am rather sure we still have fleas.

I went to sleep fine and woke up with like 25 bites all over my body...perhaps an evil blood sucker from outside..but I don't think so.

I thinkI noticed a flea in his water bowl last night when I dumped it but it went down the drain so fast I could not be sure.

We go to the vet this Friday for his check up, poop float and to look at his ears. He has dry flaking skin and a lot of hair loss on his ears....just his ears.

He has started to seem...unhappy again...not eating as well as I would like either...

I will ask the vet about safe to treat the house with, but does anyone have suggestions on that because the store bought stuff didn't seem to do much. (picked it up at lowes hardware, spray bottle) and believe me..I sprayed everything, everywhere....

Besides all that while Simon's cage in pretty much on hard wood floors and in the hall way....he is not in my room...Why am I getting bit so badly?
Are you sure they're fleas, and are you sure they're on Simon? We're having a bed bug infestation problem in my city.

I'd really take care to keep Simon FAR away from anything you sprayed with the flea spray. They can react badly to chemicals.

sas :expressionless:
I know we had them at the start of this post, I saw them...now I couldn't quite say.

Simon seems kinda weird...called the vet and we are gonna take him in now,...just to be safe...
Your bites sounds like bed-bugs...do you only have them after you wake up or do you also experience getting bitten while out of your bedroom?
I haven't really been getting bitten until last night...which was murder. I woke up with so many bites it was unreal.

Went to the Vet...Simon is good, he is like 4lbs-ish...gained 20 grams. They don't want him on the alfalfa but what else is new and it is the only freakin hay he will really eat. They saw "flea dirt".

Not really seeing fleas on him, me the house etc...so it is kinda weird. She said continue with the kitten dose of revolution for a couple more months. Take the alfalfa away until he goes in to board (1 month from now) and we will see what his teeth look like...cause she said his teeth now look perfect, but we have been feeding the alfalfa.... Poop float came back totally normal. No ear mites and the hair loss/flaky skin is either weather change related or flea related...and should show improvement soon... He is in his cage now sitting in his litter pan...peeing, pooping and very much acting like himself now.

ANyone else have issues with transporting? Simon gets so upset when we put him in the carrier and shakes really bad in the car and just doesn't stop...breathes so fast and hard too...I get scared he will get scared to death ya know? Mentioned it to the doc...she didn't say much about it.
I always put a blanket or something over the carrier to make them feel safer and calmer. I have also given Bach's Rescue Remedy prior to long car rides, but I'm not convinced it does a lot, mostly because they are pretty calm while driving, except Muffin who likes to dig in the litter. Keeping the music down in the car helps too.
the dosage for selamectin (which is the generic name for revolution) is 6mg/kg according to the chart on medirabbit

if you gave him the Pink package of revolution (puppies and kittens) there is 15 mg per packet which would dose a rabbit of approx 5.5 lbs. seeing that [1 kg = about 2.2lbs.

it can be repeated in a month

I agree thatI do not think that rabbit fleas are zoonotic (will need to check that) andI do think that you are being bitten by a another species.
you can get mange mites and ticks from a bun not fleas

scroll down to rabbits

Fleas will bite humans in the absence of an animal. Or if unable to reach animal etc. They don't like us and do not prefer us but will feed from us.

They will bite us...and tend to go for places closed up...like your waist with your jeans on...people get bit a lot there.