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Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2008
Reaction score
Elkton, Maryland
We moved into our new house about a week ago now.

Simon hasn't taken to the move real well but has seemed ok. Today he wasn't really eating and didn't quite seem himself. He seemed uncomfortable.

I was sitting with him and saw some fleas moving around.

This house used to have 2 dogs in it and I know they had fleas. The carpet was torn up, the floor sanded down and refinished. I didn't think the fleas would live through that.

So can anyone tell me what is safe to use on him and in the house to get rid of these buggers?

Thanks tons!
I don't know if it's the same for buns since mine haven't had fleas but when my guinie (sp?) pigs picked some up I was told by my vet to buy really mild kitten flea soap and give them a bath in that. It worked like a dream and their coats were all shiny and clean :)
Revolution? I have also heard of using kitten flea powder, but I would avoid giving him a bath.

I have heard of putting a flea collar in the vacuum cleaner when you clean also perhaps treating the environment with the same kitten flea powder.
tonyshuman wrote:
Revolution? I have also heard of using kitten flea powder, but I would avoid giving him a bath.

I have heard of putting a flea collar in the vacuum cleaner when you clean also perhaps treating the environment with the same kitten flea powder.
Revolution for kittens is safe
DO NOT BATH THE RABBIT.Revolution works but Ivomec in the water bowl is better also house will have to be sprayed or the eggs will recycle a new group,fleas can kill a rabbit
Revolution or advantage are good. Moving into new places sucks. The flea pupae can live dormant for an extremely long time. Things like vibrations from people moving, and carbon dioxide stimulate them to hatch. The house I live in now was vaccant for about a year before we moved in and it took us awhile of treating our own animals to knock the fleas out.
you will need to treat the source as well as the rabbit,..hands down the only insecticide i would use is advantage(for the rabbit)on the back of the neck where he cannot get to easily,note:.read the label it is potent stuff and does exactly what it says,...you,ll have to shampoo the carpets too with what ever the land lord will let you,..no water no bath please, sincerely james waller
Did you use Revolution? How's the bun doing? I know it seems strange, but buns can only have certain drugs on them for flea removal/repellent.

Let us know!:)
HI all and thanks!

I am going to try the vet this morning and see if I can't get a dose of the revolution. I used to work for a local one, so maybe they will just sell me one without seeing him.

The last two days he has just not seemed himself. I am glad I noticed them last night.

All of the house is hard wood floors except for a small peice of carpet I put in the living room. What should I treat the house with? And should I use something outside inthe yard like sevin dust? The dogs that used to live here spent a lot of time out there as well. Thinking maybe the walking and coming back in the house could bring them back in....
Hi Simon;

(This product is listed as also helping kill flea population.)

I had a post started in Nutrition&Behaviour 'Diatomaceous Earth.

I have started giving my bunnies & pigs this for worms and also to keep down the fly population (half my herd is outside).

So far, I've seen no adverse effects, and I have noticed just within 4 days the flies are not congregating around their droppings like they used to - I've dusted the area under their pens with this stuff, and mixed it in their grain.

I even take it myself.

So far the results have been good.

This is the web-site - there's plenty of info.on-line.

It's not that expensive, and the best thing is, it is not toxic to animals or people.

Just make sure it's food grade:

I use Adems bombers with good results everytime.

In the house you have to be gone for 4 hours but its not that big of deal. I do it on every place we have ever moved into. It solves the problem before they start you have to go to a specialty store to find it I dont think they sell them at wal mart. and adems yard treatment works like a charm also.

Oh revolution on the bun
The yard was sprayed down to kill em off...

The house got sprayed...and we got Simon a kitten dose of revolution. Been on him for like...4 or so hours now. He was not happy with me. A flea comb and his hair just does not work...tried but just was't getting anything. We vacuumed, washed, scrubbed all his stuff...

Hoping this will end and be done with quick!

Thanks to everyone for your help!

(Simon thanks you too!)
Hello all...

I gave simon that dose of revolution, sprayed the yard and the house with flea killer stuff. Simon still has fleas though...

His behaviour is tons better, he seems more himself, even did a binky yesterday. Anyone know how long it could take to kill all the fleas? He was given the kitten dose. The website says in about 36 hours but he still has live fleas and it has been longer then 36 hours now.

Any more suggestions?
don't give him any more yet
very odd

look at the expiration date on the package ...
and also are you sure it was not advantage instead of revolution ????//////////
The old vet I worked for sells them as singles. So there is no package.

I talked to them about it because it's not over the counter stuff. Had to deal with some crap before they would sell it to me.

Tiny little bottle with a pink top.

I know I need to wait at least 30 days. Wondering about the sevin dust deal...sprinkling through out his coat and combing out....just don't know how well that would really work out. Any ideas on that?
I don't have any experience with anything other than revolution and then again I'm not sure about adding another chemical
wait for some more replies
Give it a little more time. It can take a little longer. Rabbit skin and hair is not exactly the same as cat or dog.

Also it says it can take up to 72 hours it will take a while to kill them all anyway but it will happen in due time.