Dust your rabbit with 5% carbaryl insecticide (a common brand name is 5% Sevin Dust) working the dust down through Bunny's thick fur to the skin. Bunny might try to lick some of it off; assuming he doesn't go overboard, this is probably all right. Most of the powder is just a carrier agent, and there's very little of the active ingredient in the mix. Another important warning "There are "all natural" flea powders sold at many pet and health food stores and in catalogs. These powders mainly contain pennyroyal (very poisonous), peppermint, eucalyptus or other herbs. Do not assume that these are safe just because they are in a health food store or are herbal. Herbs and "natural" products contain chemicals, such as the chrysanthemum derivative pyrethrin, designed to kill insects or fungi; they can also have lethal effects on mammals. Some of these herbs may even be safe for humans to eat, but can kill rabbits." You can also take a flea comb before you put the powder on to get the eggs and the living fleas.
~Breeding Quality Holland Lops Since 2012~