Five Questions Game

Rabbits Online Forum

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1. which knd of milk do you like best-chocolate, strawberry or plain? Chocolate!

2. what did you eat for breakfast? Nothing >.<

3. last song you listened to? I Cross My Heart

4. last movie trailer you watched? Umm..I think something for The Pineapple Express. haha

5. do you sleep with a night light or a light on? Nope. I like ze dark. ;]

New Questions...

1.] What's your favorite breed of rabbit?

2.] Do you have dark colored eyes?

3.] Do you prefer having your hair straight or curly?

4.] Have you ever been in love?

5.] If you could have one thing in life that you want most, what would it be?


1.] What's your favorite breed of rabbit? - Errm I have 3 can't pick between them - Rex, Lionhead and Nethies :p

2.] Do you have dark colored eyes? - well one of my eyes is blue and the others green. Yes strange I know ;)

3.] Do you prefer having your hair straight or curly? - Straight

4.] Have you ever been in love? - With a boy hmmm well if sum of you read my rant thread thing you will know who Bob is and in fact bob is not his real name i used that for privacy purposes - you cud say i was in love with him but otherwise i am too young :D

5.] If you could have one thing in life that you want most, what would it be? a dog and a rabbitry - i have always wanted a dog ever since i was 3 omg now i want one all over again :(

1. What was the last CD you brought?

2. What was the last birthday pressie you brough?

3. What was the weather like yesterday where you are?

4. How many rabbits have you had in your lifetime?

5. Do you love RO?


1.] What's your favorite breed of rabbit? - Errm I have 3 can't pick between them - Rex, Lionhead and Nethies :p

2.] Do you have dark colored eyes? - well one of my eyes is blue and the others green. Yes strange I know ;)

3.] Do you prefer having your hair straight or curly? - Straight

4.] Have you ever been in love? - With a boy hmmm well if sum of you read my rant thread thing you will know who Bob is and in fact bob is not his real name i used that for privacy purposes - you cud say i was in love with him but otherwise i am too young :D

5.] If you could have one thing in life that you want most, what would it be? a dog and a rabbitry - i have always wanted a dog ever since i was 3 omg now i want one all over again :(

1. What was the last CD you brought?

2. What was the last birthday pressie you brough?

3. What was the weather like yesterday where you are?

4. How many rabbits have you had in your lifetime?

5. Do you love RO?

1. What was the last CD you brought? Ummm, I can't even remember! =O I always use my iPod.
2. What was the last birthday pressie you brough? A manga series for my boyfriend's birthday coming up. ^__^

3. What was the weather like yesterday where you are? Mainly sunny and kinda hot.

4. How many rabbits have you had in your lifetime? Total of three, soon to be four. =D

5. Do you love RO? Yes, I do!

New Questions...

1.] What's your favorite color?

2.] What's your favorite word?

3.] Who's your favorite person?

4.] What's your favorite animal?

5.] Which do you like better: night or day?
1.] What's your favorite color? - I have 3 - blue, green and orange

2.] What's your favorite word? - errm dno "daadddy" :p

3.] Who's your favorite person? - i cannot pick just one - mum,dad,sister and friends

4.] What's your favorite animal? - errm bunnies and dogs der!

5.] Which do you like better: night or day? - both i like sleeping and i like bein active - hmm strange!

1. Which milk do you use? Skimmed, Semi Skimmed or Other?

2. Do you own a game console - psp - ninteno ds, lite etc?

3.What's your fave day of the week?

4. When was the last time you went shopping?

5. What was the last item of clothing you bought?
1. Which milk do you use? Skimmed, Semi Skimmed or Other?. I don't drink milk, but if I have to its usually 1%. Witch is Skimmed I think.

2. Do you own a game console - psp - ninteno ds, lite etc? I own, A 1990's Sega, A nintendo 64', a PS2, and a nintendo DS. My brother owns a wii if that counts..

3.What's your fave day of the week? Saturday

4. When was the last time you went shopping? Iwent grocery shopping yesterday.

5. What was the last item of clothing you bought? I dont think sport bra's count soo.. A sweatshirt from Stitches. About 3 weeks ago.
You forgot to do some more questions.

Here they are:

1. What was the last TV program you watched?

2. If you could be an animal for a day what would you be?

3. When was the last time you travelled by bus?

4. Do you have a shed?

5. What colour is your bedroom?
1. What was the last TV program you watched? TLC What Not to Wear

2. If you could be an animal for a day what would you be? A bird or a bunny

3. When was the last time you travelled by bus? Friday afternoon... My school bus.

4. Do you have a shed? no

5. What colour is your bedroom? purple, blue and green

Here are my questions:

  1. How many pets do you have?
  2. Have you ever been to another country than you own? Which one?
  3. What color hair do you have?
  4. Cake or Icecream?
  5. What was the last food you ate?

1. five (in the house)
2. yes Germany
3. im a brunette with natural blonde highlights
4. ice cream
5. steak

my questions
1. whats your fav day of the week?
2. how many buns do you have?
3. have you ever ridden a horse?
4. what is your name?
5. do you have siblings?
1. hmmmm saturaday, I get to do band rehearsal then.
2. 5 buns
3. Yes a while ago though
4. Kirsty Joanne Coulton
5. Nope I'm all on my lonesome.

My questions are:
1. What's your favourite song?
2. What breeds are your bunnies?
3. What's the most exotic place you have visited?
4. What's your favourite icecream flavour
5. Have your ever adopted an animal?
1. What's your favourite song? At The Moment (It changes everyday) my fave song is Whatzupwitu? Michael Jackson & Eddie Murphy
2. What breeds are your bunnies? 2 Lionheads & 2 Lionhead x Mini Rexes :D
3. What's the most exotic place you have visited? No where I've visited is exotic lol, i've never let my country!
4. What's your favourite icecream flavour Chocolate
5. Have your ever adopted an animal? Nope, but i definitly will


1.Whats your favourite flavour of crisps?
2.Favourite DVD?
3. The most listened to CD you have?
4. What is one of your hobbies?
5. Do you have an ipod?

Becca wrote:


1.Whats your favourite flavour of crisps?
salt and viniger
2.Favourite DVD?
3. The most listened to CD you have?
i dont ahve any cds
4. What is one of your hobbies?
5. Do you have an ipod?

ill write my questions later