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My dad and I breed fish!:) At his house!;) We have just over 400 tanks totalling just over 10,000 gallons. Probably more since we just added another bank of tanks awhile ago.

We used to breed tropicals but he really likes chiclids. Personally I could take them or leave them. I prefer the tropicals like Angels..(which are actually chiclids)!;) And everything from guppies on up! It just like that tropicals are all diferent colours and shapes and sizes!:) Chiclids all look the same to me! Same fish shape, different colours! If I had to pick my fav it would be our Huge Frontosa male! I named him Bruja..."burnt" in Italian...he is jet black now because he is sparring off with the littler males in the tank! He is about 12 inches long and 5-6 inches across! He likes to be pet a little! He is I believe a Burundi(sp) and we also have some smaller ones coming up soon and those are Zaire. If you like fish like pirahna there is a really beautiful chiclid called a Compressicep. The males grow fairly long and when they go into breeding they turn a fantastic royal blue with scarlet top fin trimming! They resemble little blue Barraccudas! Very pretty!:D

**sorry for the spelling! I help breed the fish...but I suck at spelling their names!**

I looked up pictures of the Frontosas. Stunning fish!



Oh wow! That's awesome!

Hehe, I love big fish.. they always look like they're grumpy ;).

Are the cory's cheap fish? I don't wan t some fish to be like $30+ and die in a couple of days!

I don't know if I'll be able to go to the fish store today. Maybe on Friday, but hopefully sooner!
Our male Frontosa is an F1 and still has a big bump on his head!! :D Always looks grumpy and a bit like the elephant man!:D

Corys here run anywhere from $3-$5 dollars depending on the variety. Most get to be anywhere from an inch to 2 1/2 inches long. They get along with pretty much anyone, but sometimes they can get a little chippy andchew the fins on other fish! They are really excellent bottom feeders though! :)
Meet Finnigin!

He's very spoiled, and he likes my nose for some reason :D. He's been with us for about 9 months.

He's very friendly and full of personality! He flares up at my mom, and practically anything on the counteraround his 'kingdom'. He can be very grumpy sometimestoo!
Spring wrote:
Are the cory's cheap fish? I don't wan t some fish to be like $30+ and die in a couple of days!
i dont remember the exact price.. but i got them at walmart.. so i know they werent 30+.. probably $5 or less..our walmart hardly has any fish for over $5
Ooh fish, I've got a 20 gallon freshwater tank with... 1 dwarf puffer, 3 neon tetras, 3 black neon tetras, 2 serpae tetras, a bronze cory, a spotted cory, 2 mickey mouse platies, 2 twin bar platies (that just had babies!) I think that's it.
I have a 30 gallon tank with 1 BIG African Clawed Frog. She eats all of her friends! I am thinking about getting her a smaller tank and using my big tank for some nice pretty schooling fish.
i bought a 29 gallon tank two days ago... i love it.. the 29 gal has fantail goldfish and lionhead goldfish in it.. then i have a 10 gallon that has 5 assorted fruit tetras.. i also have a 5 gallon tank, but theres nothing in it right now

edit* oh my five gallon is just like the one spring's beta is in