Hello! :3 I'm Ami. I'm a huge animal lover. I've grown up with all kinds of animals in my house. My parents were always rescuing lost and abandoned pets and I grew up loving all of them. For the last 10 years I had several ferrets, and now I only have an italian greyhound, Ginger. Out of all the animals I've had in my life, I never had a bunny. I have always enjoyed watching wild rabbits playing in the yard, but for some reason I never thought about owning one.
That changed in early July 2015. I went out in to my back yard to check on my garden, when I caught movement near my raspberry bushes. I went over to investigate, when a tiny little black bunny comes walking out from under the bush, walking right up to greet me. He was very calm and mellow, slowly wandering around my little garden. I was immediately alarmed because I could tell he was not a wild cotton tail (that much I know about rabbits at least!) and that he must be a lost pet. The little guy was only about the size of my hand, and I was very concerned for his saftey because there are lots of hawks in my neighborhood, plus neighbors on all sides of me have big dogs that would make quick work of this tiny little guy... especially since he didn't seem too scared to run away from any stranger danger. There was no way I could just leave him outside to find for himself. He would not be able to make it for long. I scooped him up. He didn't even seem to care that I had picked him up. He was completely chill in my hand. He didn't appear sick and there were no signs of injuries... he was alert, but just super laid back. I know ZERO about bunnies, so I don't know if that is a normal bunny trait or not... but I was surprised at how calm he was.
I checked around the neighborhood, but nobody had lost a rabbit. With nobody to claim him, there was no way I was just going to stick him back in the yard to be somethings dinner. Like I said, I didn't know much about rabbits- how much it cost to keep them, how to care for them, what they needed.... But I felt bad for the little guy. I decided to take him in and give him the best home that I could. I had a cage left over from when I had ferrets, and I bought a pet rabbit book right away so I could learn how to care for him and what he would need.
I named him Lucky.
Lucky has been with me about a month now. I work from home, with an office in my master bedroom. I keep his cage in there, and after rabbit proofing the room, I let him out to free roam in that room (as long as I am also home to supervise). I'm still learning about the rabbit world, but I have had so much fun getting to know him so far. I was worried at first, that maybe he wouldn't be happy living inside the house with Ginger and I, but he seems to be happy. He is always doing the bunny flop over on his side or on his back, or stretching out as far as he can when he lays down. Every day we seem to bond a little bit more. He licks me and comes out when I call him. And two times now, when Ginger and I were taking a nap, Lucky has gotten in bed to lay down with us and nap too. He and Ginger get a long. Ginger is happy to have a buddy finally and just the other day, Lucky tried to play with Ginger by digging on her paw trying to drag it to him.
I've tried to find out what kind of rabbit Lucky is, but I can't tell. :/ He's blackish- grayish, I guess...? With a little bit of light gray hairs mixed in all over...? With a light gray tummy, under part of the tail and feet. He has a tiny bit of brown on his shoulders and back. He isn't a lop or a long haired type. I don't think he is a dwarf, he seems to have big ears.

That changed in early July 2015. I went out in to my back yard to check on my garden, when I caught movement near my raspberry bushes. I went over to investigate, when a tiny little black bunny comes walking out from under the bush, walking right up to greet me. He was very calm and mellow, slowly wandering around my little garden. I was immediately alarmed because I could tell he was not a wild cotton tail (that much I know about rabbits at least!) and that he must be a lost pet. The little guy was only about the size of my hand, and I was very concerned for his saftey because there are lots of hawks in my neighborhood, plus neighbors on all sides of me have big dogs that would make quick work of this tiny little guy... especially since he didn't seem too scared to run away from any stranger danger. There was no way I could just leave him outside to find for himself. He would not be able to make it for long. I scooped him up. He didn't even seem to care that I had picked him up. He was completely chill in my hand. He didn't appear sick and there were no signs of injuries... he was alert, but just super laid back. I know ZERO about bunnies, so I don't know if that is a normal bunny trait or not... but I was surprised at how calm he was.
I checked around the neighborhood, but nobody had lost a rabbit. With nobody to claim him, there was no way I was just going to stick him back in the yard to be somethings dinner. Like I said, I didn't know much about rabbits- how much it cost to keep them, how to care for them, what they needed.... But I felt bad for the little guy. I decided to take him in and give him the best home that I could. I had a cage left over from when I had ferrets, and I bought a pet rabbit book right away so I could learn how to care for him and what he would need.
I named him Lucky.
Lucky has been with me about a month now. I work from home, with an office in my master bedroom. I keep his cage in there, and after rabbit proofing the room, I let him out to free roam in that room (as long as I am also home to supervise). I'm still learning about the rabbit world, but I have had so much fun getting to know him so far. I was worried at first, that maybe he wouldn't be happy living inside the house with Ginger and I, but he seems to be happy. He is always doing the bunny flop over on his side or on his back, or stretching out as far as he can when he lays down. Every day we seem to bond a little bit more. He licks me and comes out when I call him. And two times now, when Ginger and I were taking a nap, Lucky has gotten in bed to lay down with us and nap too. He and Ginger get a long. Ginger is happy to have a buddy finally and just the other day, Lucky tried to play with Ginger by digging on her paw trying to drag it to him.
I've tried to find out what kind of rabbit Lucky is, but I can't tell. :/ He's blackish- grayish, I guess...? With a little bit of light gray hairs mixed in all over...? With a light gray tummy, under part of the tail and feet. He has a tiny bit of brown on his shoulders and back. He isn't a lop or a long haired type. I don't think he is a dwarf, he seems to have big ears.