Well-Known Member
Have you weighed them?
I have weighed them, and they are all in the accepted weight ranges. I think I will have some judges/other breeders come look at them and tell me what they thinkHave you weighed them?
I hadn't seen a tan in real life until about 2 months before I got mine. Didn't stop me from wanting one since about October or November of last year. They are gorgeous in person. Hopefully you will get to see some at some point. :biggrin2:, I'd never seen a tan until coming to RO. Beautiful buns.
Thank you for pointing me to those pictures. They really were a great learning experience. I really can see what you mean when you say "choppy". It's really interesting (and fun, in my opinion) trying to figure out what pairs are best to make really good buns.Do you remember any of the comments? Congratulations! How many tans were being judged with yours?
As far as one of your does being chunky lol. Most competitve tans are 4-5 lbs. If they are bigger than that they are either a little overweight or larger framed. Also the older tan standard called for most of them to be much close to 6lbs. This caused alot of tans to become heavier in the hind quarters. If you have a side profile of the said rabbit i could get a better idea. I know alot of tans that have become really hippy and i think i can demostrate this with pictures.
If you go on my website in the tan page
You can see Beyonce. If you go down her top line you can see how angular it is. After her hip bones it's termed choppy. As she just was chopped straight to the table with no roundness to her hind end. This goes along with type. I pair her with Chevy or Seawolf for instance (two of my bucks) to even this out. See how smooth of a top line they have as they sit.
Yes! Pictures please!!!!!!Thats good your buck won. Black is the most competitive color and Bucks are the worst aging animals in tans as far as looks go lol. I could help evaluate them if you had posing pictures if you would like.
As far as Guardian, Beyonce is like that too. Really fine boned and skinny. We have to give her rolled oats and lots of hay. She won the ARBA bob youth tan at the california convention and ever since she grew to senior her fat content hasnt increased. She is an awesome mom and is the tan we have to take the babies off early than 8weeks just to make sure we aren't sacrificing her health.
My first show for the fall season is this weekend. I can take pictures and post them up. Ill be showing my three brit babies and two tans (diesel and serena) Very excited to see how they do. Diesel will be competing with his siblings that i sold. Two of them are under my winnings page.
Congrats again!
That makes a lot of sense, actually. I've heard from other breeders, even up here, that sometimes the judges haven't let their rabbits move around on the table.Not all of it is judges opinion. Im sure up north where tans are more popular and known you might not have a problem. But the south is known for our meat rabbits and thats what most people know. Put a tan in front of them and they'll only let them take 5 steps for evaluation and god forbid they dont run at all. A meat judge even tried to teach youth about a straight demarcation line by flattening them on the table like a himi. Most of it, down here at least, is about experience that judge has with a tan and we definitely know the judges who do and who don't.