First portrait done.....

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mygrl2k3, yes I could do a portrait of one ofyour bunnies.... you, or anyone else that would like a portrait oftheir bunny painted can email me at:

[email protected]

I will do the paintings in the order that they are requested.... I'mstarting out doing all the portraits in the order they were posted inyesterday's thread.


Oh ... my .... goodness!!!! ...:shock: That painting is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!I can't believe that you've finished it so quickly!!!! Itreally captures the true essence of Fauna!!!!!

I'm stunned, simply stunned!!!!!!!! Oh, Sandhills, I feel sohonored that someone with your depth of talent will be capturing mybeloved Sherman on canvas.

Oh, I feel a tear slipping ... oh, this is so moving...

i cant believe you did that in one day you are sooo talented!!!not that i see how wonderful you do i really really want a portrit oflyla im will pay !!!lol

Thats such a nice thing for you to do.. Will haveto look through my bunny pics and see what would be the nicest pose,and then will email it to you.

thats soo beautiful! you are VERY good at paniting and drawing! i couldnt draw to save my life! :shock: lmao
:shock:WOW!!!!!!!! thats all I can say other than well I'm speachless it's so great that words can not describe how great:shock:
VNess2010 wrote:
Wow are so unbelievably talented!I don't even have a beautiful enough picture of Cosmo that deservesyour water colors! I will definitley be checking thesethreads and I can't wait to see your future creations!! Wayto go, you rock!

-Vanessa & Cosmo

I love the picture you have of Cosmo in your avatar. I think that would make a great painting. :)

Sandhills, your work is gorgeous! I just love it!
That's awesome!

Thanks, you brought a smile to my face and I really needed that right now. :)
MyBunnyBoys wrote:
That's awesome!

Thanks, you brought a smile to my face and I really needed that right now. :)

I'll give Fauna a BIG HUG and Kiss - just from you.


blueyes65 wrote:
Amazing Sandhill! As a artist myself I commendyour work, beautifull, and its priceless! Carolyn must be soproud and honoured.:D

No doubt, I am all that and more, blueyes65.
