My name is Edel. I am new to the forums and new to bunnies.
Three days ago a little white bunny was dropped off at my house. I totally fell in love with him, and when I held him he settled in the crook of my neck and fell asleep. He had been in a box without water or food for two days and had a milky substance in his left eye. Immediately I gently cleaned his eye and the gooky stuff has not come back. My boyfriend got a bowl of water, but the bunny would not drink. I then took a paper towel, dipped it in the water and the bunny drank, sucking the excess water off the paper towel.
Since then he follows me around and when I hold him he licks my face to no end. He does his little bunny hops on the back of the couch, then jumps onto my chest, licks my face, and then goes off to run and hop again. He does this over and over. It's quite cute and funny.
I kept calling him Mr so we added Beans to that....well, the first check up and it looks like Mr. Beans is actuallyMiss Beans....we'll call her Missy Beans since it matches what we were calling her and we don't want to confuse her. She is three to four weeks old and I'm supposed to put her on a milk schedule, using kitten milk replacer, for the next 10 weeks and feed her three times a day. Other than that she got a clean bill of health.
We went to the IFA store here yesterday and got her a big cage, Alfalfa hay and pellets. She eats greens and seems to like her new cage. She is caged while we are gone, but has the run of the house while we are there.
First attempt to potty train, she jumped out of the potty box and pooped on the kitchen rug...then proceeded to jump back in the box and eat her hay. hehe
Anyway....I don't know that I have any questions. Just quite nervous about it all right now. She is the first bunny and I want to make sure that I do everything right to give her the best home she can possibly have.
Found her hiding in my purse that first morning: lol
My name is Edel. I am new to the forums and new to bunnies.
Three days ago a little white bunny was dropped off at my house. I totally fell in love with him, and when I held him he settled in the crook of my neck and fell asleep. He had been in a box without water or food for two days and had a milky substance in his left eye. Immediately I gently cleaned his eye and the gooky stuff has not come back. My boyfriend got a bowl of water, but the bunny would not drink. I then took a paper towel, dipped it in the water and the bunny drank, sucking the excess water off the paper towel.
Since then he follows me around and when I hold him he licks my face to no end. He does his little bunny hops on the back of the couch, then jumps onto my chest, licks my face, and then goes off to run and hop again. He does this over and over. It's quite cute and funny.
I kept calling him Mr so we added Beans to that....well, the first check up and it looks like Mr. Beans is actuallyMiss Beans....we'll call her Missy Beans since it matches what we were calling her and we don't want to confuse her. She is three to four weeks old and I'm supposed to put her on a milk schedule, using kitten milk replacer, for the next 10 weeks and feed her three times a day. Other than that she got a clean bill of health.
We went to the IFA store here yesterday and got her a big cage, Alfalfa hay and pellets. She eats greens and seems to like her new cage. She is caged while we are gone, but has the run of the house while we are there.
First attempt to potty train, she jumped out of the potty box and pooped on the kitchen rug...then proceeded to jump back in the box and eat her hay. hehe
Anyway....I don't know that I have any questions. Just quite nervous about it all right now. She is the first bunny and I want to make sure that I do everything right to give her the best home she can possibly have.
Found her hiding in my purse that first morning: lol