Finding Wild Baby Rabbits

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Mar 4, 2004
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If you find yourself in a position of discovering/rescuing a nest of wild baby rabbits, the following might help you.

Mother rabbits don't stay on the nest as it would be a giveaway to predators. The chances are very good that mom's nearby and waiting for the babies to return.It is highly advised to return them immediately to the nest.Don't worry about having handled them. The doe will still feed and take care of them.

Does usually feed their babies once a day, at dawn. Sometimes they feed them twice, but you can be certain that early in the morning, is when the babies have to be in their nest to get their mother�s feeding. If you are concerned that other pets or animals can get at the babies in the current nest they were in, another idea is to put a screen over the nest, but make sure it�s removed for the 5:00 a.m. or early morning feeding. A doe won�t move her babies to another location.

If the babies' eyes are open and they're hopping around, the mother is probably long gone. If they are very young and their eyes are still closed, the best thing to do is return them to the nest immediately or contact a wildlife rehabilitator in your area. At around 10-12 days, they start munching on grass and once they are hopping around and eating, they may be released

If the wildlife rehabilitator isn't available when you discover a baby wild rabbit and you can't find the nest, keep the baby warm as they can quickly get a chill, and you can try giving it Kitten Supplement (KMR), evaporated milk, goat's milk or whole milkuntil the rehabilitator returns to the office. You can feed them with an eye dropper but you have to be very careful and do it slowly as you can easily get liquid into their lungs if not careful and cause their death. One must be very precise in getting the dosage correct for the babies.Overfeeding them can kill them.

As Pamnock once said, if you are pregnant, handling them with gloves or washing your hands really well after handling is a must. If the babies begin to stress and become ill, they quickly propagate harmful bacteria in their bellies including E. coli. Children may pet them, but be sure they wash their hands afterwards. The most likely transmission of any disease is through bite or scratch wounds, as well as fecal material or urine.

A wildlife rehabber once noted that if they were released and ran off, that was great. However, if they are released and they are too scared to leave the cage or didn't run away, they were probably too scared to go and you should bring them to a wildlife rescue for them to help get the little one acclimated back into the wild.

Remember: It is extremely difficult to raise a wild rabbit by yourself, the success rates are extremely low for them living in captivity. In many areas in the United States, it is illegal to keep a wild animal.

Websites to look into:[url][/url] or or


Also remember that wild rabbits are considered"game animals" and are illegal to have in your possession with outproper licensure. I know a lady who was heartbroken whenbusted by the game commision, who removed the little fawnthatshe had found and hand raised. Squirrels,raccoons, etc. are also a"no-no".

Wild bunnies can transmit disease through bite wounds and are very prone to biting as they grow older.

I highly recommend avoiding the impulse to "save" the little bunny andlet nature take its course rather than to put you or your family atrisk. Rabbits can also harbor raccoon roundworms, which cancausevery serious illnessin humans. Ihighly advise reading the following articles:

Thank you so much for posting this Carolyn. I washeartbroken last year when I worked at a pet shop at how many peoplebrought in "abandoned" baby wild rabbits. :(


I'm sorry you had to experience that, Nichole. :?

Thank you for that important information, Pamnock.

As you all know, once spring hits, (and it often starts at the end ofMarch around here) people start finding nests of wild rabbits becausetheir dogs dug them up or they ran over them with the tractor.

Last year I came across a wild baby rabbit. Mydad went out the front door to drive off to work, when he saw the nextdoor neighbours cat with a baby rabbit in its mouth. When the cat sawmy dad, it dropped the rabbit, and ran off. My dad was left to try andcatch the wild rabbit, as we live in the town with no where the rabbitcould of come from. A two minute walk to Tescos.

We put it in are rabbit carrier and took it to the vets. It had a smallcut on its lip, but it was already healing over, but it wasnt hurt. Sowe had to drive 5 miles to the nearest nature reserve and hope for thebest that it would be able to survive. It wasnt that young so it shouldof been alright. But it was still really small and rathercute!

God knows where the cat had got the rabbit from in the first place. Itcouldnt of carryed it for 5 miles with it still alive in its mouth?surely?

My friend who is bunnysitting for me found ababy wild rabbit last spring. It was weak and was repeatedlyfalling into the wells for his basement windows. He nursed itback to health by feeding it kitten milk several times a day.He fell completely in love with it but released it when he found outthat it would be illegal to keep it and that he wouldn't be able to getvet care for it because of that.

He's not convinced that he would love another rabbit the same wayagain. But everyone falls for Mocha and Loki's a bit of acharmer too. They might be able to convince him to adopt adomestic rabbit.
Linz_1987 wrote:
Last year I came across a wild baby rabbit. My dad went outthe front door to drive off to work, when he saw the next doorneighbours cat with a baby rabbit in its mouth. When the cat saw mydad, it dropped the rabbit, and ran off. My dad was left to try andcatch the wild rabbit, as we live in the town with no where the rabbitcould of come from. A two minute walk to Tescos.

We put it in are rabbit carrier and took it to the vets. It had a smallcut on its lip, but it was already healing over, but it wasnt hurt. Sowe had to drive 5 miles to the nearest nature reserve and hope for thebest that it would be able to survive. It wasnt that young so it shouldof been alright. But it was still really small and rathercute!

God knows where the cat had got the rabbit from in the first place. Itcouldnt of carryed it for 5 miles with it still alive in its mouth?surely?
Rabbits in the wild find placesto nest and have babies ,doesnt matter where you live,they burrow down unerground tobuild their nests, for all you know theycould have been living under your house the whole time. Never assume just because Youdont see them there are nonearound , We have w ild rabbithere and I never see them , al I ever seeis in the winter one or 2 tracksin fresh fallen snow, they gono where and start no where , doesnt meanthey are not there . just that theirhiding.
Justa few months ago my sister's dogsfound a nest of rabbits and ate several of them. Then the next day acat was witnessed carrying off an adult from the same area. There wasone left and she brought it to me. To my amazement, I was able to handfeed it until it opened it's eyes and started eating grass and clover.It was released after that. I called 3 different wildliferehabilitators and they all didnt want it. They offered me someliterature on how to take careof it though. Here is a pictureof it the day before he was released.



DevilRabbit wrote:
Justa few months ago my sister's dogs found a nest ofrabbits and ate several of them. Then the next day a cat was witnessedcarrying off an adult from the same area. There was one left and shebrought it to me. To my amazement, I was able to hand feed it until itopened it's eyes and started eating grass and clover. It was releasedafter that. I called 3 different wildlife rehabilitators andthey all didnt want it. They offered me some literature on how to takecareof it though. Here is a picture of it the day before hewas released.

Thatjust sounds very odd to me , Ihave never heard of a REhab place refusingANY wild life.

for my own purposes...someone at my blog site found some wild rabbits and I need to have this on hand to give info. :)
grrr...I am trying soooooooooo hard to be politeand politically correct in encouraging this man to put these babiesback in the wild. But it's hard. Things like this really get unders myskin :mad:
I have a rabbit in my back yard in my garden isee it very early in the am and and assuming she has babiesseeing i had babies in my garden 2 yrs ? is whenthey feed there young do they uncover there nest to feed them or lay ontop of the ground and the babies look for the nipple from the ground? Iwent by the garden and didnt see anything
A few years ago we rescued a wild bunny from acat that had gotten into a nest of them. We calledthe wildlife center and they told us to put the bunny back in the areawherefound it and it would go back to itsnest.

Each night, for about three nights, we heard bunnies screaming underour house as the cat was again attacking the nest. We wouldgo outside and chase the cat away.

She wasn't even eating the bunnies, just mauling them. Theywere bleeding, but we couldn't catch them. It washorrible! I think my husband was more upset than Iwas.

A little while after that, the cat got hit by a car. Myhubbie thought it was the cat's bad karma for killing babybunnies. But the cat was just being a cat.

Now our neighbor has moved. We don't have a lot of catsaround and there are bunnies everywhere. We have one thatruns through our yard every night. She runs towards us andeven binkies about 5 feet way!

I like cats. But I don't think people realize the effect they can have on wildlife when they are allowed outside.
gypsy wrote:

That just sounds very odd to me, I have never heard of a REhab placerefusing ANY wild life.

I don't know how it is in other states, but in Ohio there are levels toanimal rehab. Most people only have the beginning Rehab lisence thatdoes not include rabbits. Also, many places will not take rabbitsbecause they die so easily. ( I was told thisby a naturalistat the state park I volunteer at who rehabs raptors).

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