The vet I took Casey to after my nightmare useda box. The vets that spayed Daphne and neutered Noah used a mask. Iguess it's preference maybe? But, no my bunnies didn't fair well withthis first vet. One Easter about 4 yrs ago, I was at my in-laws when myniece-in-law came running in... Daddy! There's a lady giving a way abunny down the street. He said she could take the bunny. She had it inmind to "set it free". I protested that the bunny would become someanimal's Easter dinner and offered to take him. This is how Ashtonintroduced me to the wonderful world of owning bunnies. The next day Ihit the pet store and one thing I bought was a book on rabbits. I readthat they don't like to live alone and need a "bunny buddy" so, off Iran to the pet store to find Ashton a friend. I got a handsome littleRex I named Casey. I kept them about a month before getting them fixedand chose a vet that came highly recomended by my cat's vet I had foryears. So I took the guys in that morning and sometime after noon I geta call. Casey's recovering well but, Ashton didn't make it. He died inrecovery. I was mortified! I went in tears and got Casey (yes I had topay for the neuter on Ashton!). I set Casey down on the floor and hewas having a hard time moving. I thought it was the anethesia and lethim rest for the night. The next morning he couldn't hop and keptfalling over. I rushed to the phone book to find a different vet andtook him up there. That witch of a vet had stuck that needle into hissciatic nerver and damaged it. It took Casey bunny a few months beforehe could hop right again. This second vet explained to me about methodthe other vet had used as not being safe for bunnies. She said that vetshouldn't be treating rabbits. NO KIDDING! Anyway, just don't make thesame mistake I did. I was ignorant and wasn't aware of online site togo to for advice. Make sure you get a vet who isn't just "exotic" or"small animal" but actually has current rabbit patients. Just becausethey read a book in vet school doesn't mean they know about bunnies!