Well-Known Member
Well after 2 weeks of them not getting along andslow play times together, they have finally managed to work out theirdifferences. I had them in a Superpet cage with onerabbit on top of the other then I would let them out all day togetherin the bathroom that was not rex's territory. Rex was in thetop part so when they were out Rex would climb into Mini cage and stayin there on the shelf when I went in to check on them inbetween cooking supper they were on the same shelf togethersnuggled!! I am so excited. Rex is done his shed soI think he is not so grumpy.
I was so excited I just had to share. Thanks guys.
Shannon, and the now bonded rex and mini!!
PS what age is the right one to get Mini fixed?? Ithink he is about...14 weeks old and I was thinking about getting himfixed around the 20th of June do you think that is too soon??
I was so excited I just had to share. Thanks guys.
Shannon, and the now bonded rex and mini!!
PS what age is the right one to get Mini fixed?? Ithink he is about...14 weeks old and I was thinking about getting himfixed around the 20th of June do you think that is too soon??