finally got the woodypet litter, BUT......

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Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2006
Reaction score
Southern, Illinois, USA
Hi everyone,

I went to the ruralking 25minutes away and got a bag of 30lb woodypetbedding and litter for all animals. However, onceagain, Ihave a few questions,a nd i am very sorry for this, but the forum isthe only place i know to ask, so here we go:

1) woodypet itself STINKs... i mean the smell is terrible, my wholehouse smells like a barn now :D. my bun maomaohchiu does not smell, butthat litter smells sooooo bad, though maomaochiu does not seem tobother it, but he hasn't used it yet for the last 2 hours

2) it says on the bag that i need to 'activate' it firstbyapplying some moisture to it so that it can 'fluffup'?? so i need to use a squirt bottle to squirt some wateron it???

thank you all once again for your help!

hey, no need to apologize for questions! That's my take, and I'm sure others feel the same....

I think you're *not* supposed to spray this stuff, but I'm not 100%sure, and am anxious to find out more about it. (Still haven't managedto locate any in my area.)
What, exactly, does the litter smell like?

Going by my experience with wood pellet litter, it should smell like fresh wood...does it not smell like that?

I've not had actual Woody Pet before, so I don't know about the "activating" of it.

I think as long as you don't empty the spraybottle onto the Woody Pet, I don't think that there would be aproblem. I tried switching my cat to WP and I lightly sprayedthe top to try and "soften" it up a little and while it did work my catdid not like the it being the litter snob that she is!

I think that the smell will either go away for the most part or you mayget used to it. I remember the strong smell when I firststarted using it with Miffy and after that I think the smell wentaway. When I get another rabbit, I will be getting Woody Petagain!
yeah, it does have a little odor. when I have itin my car with the windows up, it smells. put the bag in a closet orsomewhere put away. unless his litterbox is gigantic, you shouldnt beable to smell just what is in the box. put some hay on top ifyou need to.

Ive never "activated" mine, it might just be somethign they do for horses.
thanks guys! i guess i won't activate it either then!!!

i hope i can get used to the smell, but right now, it makes me GAG, andi have to leave all the windows open. i put the bag in mygarage now. maomaochiu's litterbox is not a small one, about18cm*30cm, so right now, i can smell it even using only 1box.i usually have 3 for him, but cannot imagine the smellwith all 3 of them.
As the instructions indicate, dampening the litter is only for use in horse stalls.

I'm sensitive to smells myself but you may be more so. I don't noticeany odor at all from Daisy's 26 X 32cm litter box unless i put my faceright up to it.

well, i could smell it the moment i opened thedoor this evening, and my window has been open the wholeafternoon. guess i will just bear with it.

the other rather stupid question i have is that if the woodypet thingcan soak upliquid so well as it claims then what ifmaomaochiu eats some? wouldn't that mean that even a smallpiece ofwoodypet will swell into a big chunck in his littlestomach? wouldn't that be a big problem for him?

thanks again for your help!
You could experiment with a piece just to seehow much it swells up. My guess is a few pieces are not going to do anyharm, but you don't want a rabbit to be consuming much litter of ANYtype. You might put hay in the box over the litter & let himchew on that.
as far as the smell, i agree. . .it neverbothered my brother or dad, but my mom and i couldn't even go near abag (we used it when i bred rabbits as it works great at absorbing thesmells a barn has), but after cag cleaning day. . .man, i would gagwalking into the barn. . .we finally switched to wood stove pelletswhich don't have a smell (but i wouldn't use them for a rabbit that hasacess to eating the pellets and i am unsure if there is unsafe productsin wood stove pellets, when i bred, we had pullout trays. . .so therabbits never got the chance to eat the pellets)
Bunman wrote:
Is that him in the picture? What a cutie!

thanks, Bunman! yeah, that is him, and here is him in a bigger pic.

(sorry for those who have seen him other times! i just cannot miss anyopportunity for bragging on maomaochiu :D, especially when prompted todo so :D)
I think the smell depends on thebrand. I've never actually seen Woody Pet aroundhere. Marth wood pellet bedding stinks, but I keep it in aclosed garbage can. I don't notice it when it's in thelitterbox. ABM hardly has any smell at all.

You only need to "activate" it if it's going to be all over his cagefloor, or used for something small like a hamster. Otherwiseif he doesn't like the feel of it, he can just hop out of the litterbox.
What I did with my WP was I put it in aRubbermaid type container and put the container in thecloset. Maybe what you can do is when you buy a new bag, putit in a container and put the container in the garage or outside (if itis dry) for a couple of days to let it "air out" some.

Good luck
he looks bigger than that in the pics! must be because Im comparing him to that baby pic in your avatar :)

I love the white patch on his chest. He is just beautiful! er, handsome..dont tell him I said beautiful .lol
hummer wrote:
What I did with my WP was I put it in a Rubbermaid typecontainer and put the container in the closet. Maybe what youcan do is when you buy a new bag, put it in a container and put thecontainer in the garage or outside (if it is dry) for a couple of daysto let it "air out" some.

Good luck

Thanks, hummer! i will try that!
hummer wrote:
put it in a container and put the container in thegarage or outside (if it is dry) for a couple of days to let it "airout" some.
That's what happened tome, when I boughtsome FireMaster Wood Pellets.(This was before WoodyPetwas available). TheFireMaster smelled so strong ofPine, that it gave meheadaches. Well Iputthe bag away inmy basement, and afew months later whenI tried them again,the smell was gone.

I always leave mybags in the basement, andonlykeep about 5 pounds inasmall cardboard boxby Pebblescage, that I refill every 2- 3weeks.

This is the first time I heardWoodyPet had such astrong smell. Must ofbeen a fresh batch.

Rainbows! :)

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